
Australian Industrial Revolution (Gold Rush)

  • Opening of goldfields.

  • More wealth and a Hgher population due to the New South Welsh and Victorian Gold Rushes.

  • In Ballarat alone, there were 13 steam engines used to pump out water to the gold mines.

  • In Melbourne, Scott Clow and Prebble opened the first cast-iton foundry.

  • In Ballarat alone, there were 135 steam engines used to pumped out water to the goldmines.

  • In Melbourne, Enoch Hughes created a rolling mill.

  • Eight Foundries were used for mining equipment and two were used for repairing farming equipment in Ballarat.

  • In Ballarat along, there were 342 steam engines used to pump out water to the goldmines.

  • Period: to

    Industrialisation slowed down due to a severe recession in Australia.