Australian History

By Molly g
  • Frontier Wars End

    Frontier Wars End
    The Frontier Wars were the wars between the British and the Indigenous Australians. Many Aboriginals and British were killed and badly injured. Some even caught diseases from each other and died. Sadly, around 20,000 Indigenous Australians were killed. 2000 to 2500 British died. The Aboriginals used their spears as weapons meanwhile the British used swords and guns.
  • Tasmania Becomes Seperate Colony

    Tasmania Becomes Seperate Colony
    Tasmania was considered a part of New South Wales for a long time.
    In 1825, it was finally considered it’s own colony. Tasmania used to be called ‘Van Diemen’s land’, named by Anthony Van Diemen. 36
  • Ned Kelly Is Executed

    Ned Kelly Is Executed
    Ned Kelly was a bush ranger. He was wanted by many people. He was caught by the police after he tried to derail a police train. His gang members were all killed and he was badly injured. He was captured and executed by hanging. His last words were ‘Such is life’.
  • Women Are Allowed To Vote.

    Women Are Allowed To Vote.
    The Franchise Act allowed women to vote in elections. Before 1902, only South Australia and Western Australia allowed women to vote. This was when all the states were their own seperate colonies.
  • Stolen Generation Beginning

    Stolen Generation Beginning
    Many Aboriginal children were cruelly stolen by the Australian government. The government placed the children in English families and forced them to speak English and abandon their culture.
  • WWI Beginning

    WWI Beginning
    World War I was the First World War. The war originated in Europe and then grew out all across the globe. Many countries fought against each other for land.
  • Vegemite was Created

    Vegemite was Created
    Vegemite was created in 1922 in Melbourne. It was created by Fred Walker. Fred was a food manufacturer.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a time shortly after the First World War. It was when people lost their jobs, and money. It was caused by WWI because of all the soldiers that died in the harsh war. The Great Depression ended when World War II started.
  • WWII Beginning

    WWII Beginning
    World War II was the Second World War. The main focus of the war was Hitler and the Nazi group that he was a part of.
  • Melbourne Olympics

    Melbourne Olympics
    The games were officially known as ‘The Games Of The XVI Olympiad’. It was the first time the Olympic Games were held in the Southern Hemisphere. There were 151 amazing events in 17 different sports.