First Fleet
The First Fleet of ships to carry convicts from England to Botany Bay sailed from Portsmouth, England. -
First School in Australia
As the number of children in the colony grew, two schools were established - one for the children of military and one for the children of convicts. But in 1803-1806 the first Catholic School was opened. -
First Church Opened
When the government refused to provide Reverend Richard Johnson (an Anglican, first chaplain assigned to the first fleet) with a church he used his own funds o build the first church in Australia. -
First Recorded Catholic Mass
Was celebrated by the convict priest Father James Dixon in Sydney -
Castle Hill Rebellion
300 Irish convicts armed with spears and rifles rallied at Castle Hill crying 'death or liberty'. -
First Government Approved Priest
Two Catholic priests, Fathers John Therry and Phillip Conolly -
The Catholic Emancipation Act
The English Parliament passed the Catholic Emancipation Act, which gave Catholics the same political rights as Protestants and the right to hold public office -
The Church Act
The government passed the Church Act, which provides funding, in the form of subsidies, for buildings and salary for clergy, for all main Christian Denominations. -
State Aid to Church Schools was Abolished
The government abolished funding for Church schools and said they have to send them to Government schools or fund their own. -
2000 Brothers & Sisters
there was approximately 2000 brothers & sisters of the church in Australia