Australia in WW1

By jnehmeh
  • Period: to


  • Australia entered World War 1

    Australia entered World War 1
  • Australia starts battle in Gallipoli

    Australia starts battle in Gallipoli
    Australia entered Gallipoli with New Zealand, England and France to fight the Turkish army
  • Battle in Lone Pine

    Battle in Lone Pine
    This was Australia's only succesful attack on the Turkish trenches. The battle was mainly hand-to-hand combat and over 2000 Australian soldiers died
  • Last Australian troops leave Gallipoli

    Last Australian troops leave Gallipoli
    83,000 Australian soldiers were evacuated from Gallipoli. The Turkish soldiers did not know about the evacuation and there were no casualties.
  • Battle of Fromelles

    Battle of Fromelles
    This was Australia first major battle on the western front. There were over 5000 australian casualties
  • First battle of Bullecourt

    First battle of Bullecourt
    Australia helped England fight in his battle. There was 3,289 Australian casualties
  • WW1 ended

    WW1 ended
    WW1 ended and the Australians soldiers went home