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Austin Cole WW2

By 21acole
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    German Blitzkrieg

    From 1939 to 1940 the German used a military tactic called Blitzkrieg or "Lighting War" that caused disorganization among enemies. Why they used this is because if successful it resulted in short military campaigns which was safer for their soldiers. The effects of this is that this tactics has been later adopted by other militaries today.
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    Germany's invasion of Poland

    What happened was Germany invaded Poland and had started preparing for the march towards them in August. They had done this to show off their power to the rest of the world. The impact of this was that this was the main trigger to WW2
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Happened just before 8 AM where Japanese bomber planes destroyed 20 American vessels, eight of which where battleships and over 300 planes. 2400 died in this attack. Why this event happened is because Japan had wanted to hurt and cripple the American navy around Hawaii so they could capture it. The effects of this were they did manage to hurt America badly from this attack from all they destroyed but the U.S. was able to rebound quickly, This then lead to America declaring war on Japan.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    Was a force transfer of 60,000-80,000 Filipino and American prisoner of war managed by the Imperial Japanese guard. This happened because they were caught out on the Bataan Peninsula and had to surrender, what happened next was a march took about five days to complete and became known as the Bataan death march. This has a big effect because of the fact that many of the people who went on the march had been killed mostly by the brutal guards that they were lead by.
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    Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    This was a act resistance made by about 400,000 Jewish people in the Warsaw Ghetto. This happened because of anger from Jews inside of the Ghetto who were dying thousands by the day due to starvation. This is an important event because it was the spark for other revolts in execution camps and Ghettos throughout all of Germany.
  • Normandy Invasion

    Normandy Invasion
    The Normandy Invasion consisted of British,Canadian, and American soldier landing on 5 beaches along a 50 mile stretch of heavily fortified territory. Why this happened was to Surprise the Germans from the false campaign they had been running and liberate the beaches. The effects of this where they beaches were now away from German control and was a big win for the allies that left the Germans dazed.
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    Battle of Bulge

    The Germans launched a surprise blitzkrieg on allied forces. They did this in an attempt to split the allied forces up. The impact of this is that this was the last major attack form the German on the western front.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    Code named "Operation Iceberg" 180,000 U.S. troops had landed on the island if Okinawa for an invasion. They did this as a type of final push in the battle with Japan. The impact of this battle was this was the last major battle of the war and was also one of the bloodiest wars.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Is a holiday that is celebrated of the 8th of may. This is celebrated because it's when the German had an unconditional surrender. It's big impact is because it marks when the Germans had been defeated in WW2.
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    Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Two atomic bombs made by the United States were dropped on Hiroshima on Aug. 6th and Nagasaki three days later on Aug. 9. The U.S. did this in an attempt to prevent any more casualties. The effect of these two bombs had resulted in thousands of civilian casualties and forcing Japan to surrender.
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    Battle of Iwo Jima

    Three U.S. marine divisions landed the island on Iwo Jima to launch and attack on them. At the time Iwo Jima was guarded by 23,00 men. This happened because this was the U.S.'s first attack towards Japan's home island's. The big effect of this battle is the U.S. had eventually took over and captured the island.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    Was the day the formal surrender of Japan took place. This happened because the Japanese were scared of the atomic bombs the U.S. had dropped. The impact of this is this officially ended the war with Japan.