Nov 7, 1346
In Europe, the Black Death, a huge outbreak of plauge carried by rat fleas, kills 25 million people, one third of the population
black deaththe black death raged from 1346-1350 ad, the spread of Black Death followed every trade route. The 1328 outbreak in China caused the population to drop from 125 million to 90 million in 50 years. Black Death arrived in England originated in Bristol and killed 40% of the population. The consiquences of the black death is that prices and wages rose and the change in farming led to a boom inclothand woollen industries. -
Nov 7, 1406
long-lost map found
In 1406 a long lost map of the world was found. this map was created by geographer Ptolomey.This map becomes the best existing map in the world. Ptolomey's map makes Columbus believe that Asia can be reached by sailing west from Europe. -
Nov 7, 1492
Columbus discovers the west indies in the New World
christopher columbusHe also learns that compasses change directions slightly as the logitude changes. The original goal for this expidition was to sail to Asia. on his way to Asia he kept two sets of logs, one with the true distaced travelled and the other with a lesser distance traveled. Eventually, Christopher said that if he didn't find land in 2 days they would turn back but then on the last day they found land. -
Jun 7, 1494
treaty of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed on June 7, 1494. The treaty was between Spain and Portugal. The treaty divided the New World evenly between them. -
Nov 24, 1499
Vespucci discovers south America
Amerigo Vespucci discovered the coast of South America in 1499. According to Colubuses previous asumption Vespucci thought he was goig to be in India. He later later decided that this was a new continent. This is where the name America comes from. -
Nov 9, 1509
Sabastion Cabot
Sabastion Cabot explored the coast of Greenland in 1509. When Sabastion discovered the mouth of the Hudsin Bay he thought it was a water passage leading around North America to the Orient.
While exploring the coast of Greenland he was looking for the northwest passage. -
Nov 9, 1514
smallpox in the new world
smallpox was brought to th new world by Europeans. It began to wipe out native populations in the americas. it is estimated that 84% of the population in the americas dropped. -
Nov 30, 1517
reformation starts
Martin Luther starts the protestant reformation in Germany in 1517. The reformation was an effort to reform the Roman Catholic Church. In Germany the reformation ideals developed in 1520, when Luther expressed his doubts over the legitamacy of indulgences of the pope. the reformers known as protestant. -
Nov 11, 1519
megellan leaves Spain on a quest to find a "southwestern passage" to Asia
In 1519, the five ships under Magellans command left Servile and descended the Guadalquivir River to Sanlúcar de Barrameda , at the mouth of the river. on december 6th he spotted South America.On 21 October the fleet reached Cape Virgenes and concluded they had found the passage. On 6 March they reached the Marianas and Guam. -
Nov 12, 1519
Hernan Cortez enters the Aztec capital of Tenochitlan.
The spaniards landed on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in 1519. The spaniards intention was to convert the Aztecs to christianity.on November 8, 1519 Hernan challanged native forces, taking Montezuma hostage. -
Nov 12, 1543
earth and other planets revolve around the earth
in 1543 Nicholas Copernicus publishes a book which says that the Earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Which was published just before his death.He explained that astronomers may find different causes for observed motions, and choose whatever is easier to grasp. As long as a hypothesis allows reliable computation, it does not have to match what a philosopher might seek as the truth. -
Nov 12, 1577
Sir Francis Drake circumnavigating the globe
Sir Francis Drake was the first englishman to circumnavigat the glbe in 1577. In 1577 he was chosen as the leader of an expedition intended to pass around South America through the Strait of Magellan and to explore the coast that lay beyond. The expidition was backed by the queen herself. -
dutch exploerers discover Australia
The European exploration of Australia encompasses several waves of seafarers and land explorers.Although Australia is often loosely said to have been discovered by Royal Navy Lieutenant (later Captain) James Cook in 1770, he was merely one of a number of European explorers to have sighted and landed on the continent prior to English settlement, and he did so 164 years after the first such documented encounter. explorers by land and sea continued to survey the continent for many years after settl -
galileo builds his first telescope.
In 1609 Galileo builds his first telescope. He used the telesocpe to discover several galaxies. He was later called the father of modern science.