Auguste Comte 1758-1857

  • Course on Positive Philosophy

    His philosophy focuses on the 3 laws. The theological, the metaphysical, and the positive. The first is the necessary starting point for the human mind; the last, its normal state; the second is but a transitory stage that makes possible the passage from the first to the last .The first stage is the human mind questioning the anomalies of space. The second stage is a simple modification of the first. The last stage the mind stops looking for answers and limits itsself.
  • The System of Positive Polity and the Complete Positivism

    After finishing the Course, he returned to his original project and outlined the system of positive polity. Positivity transformed science into philosophy and complete positivism transformed philosophy into religion.
  • Treatise on Sociology Instituting the Religion of Humanity

    Comet describes religion as ‘the state of complete harmony peculiar to human life […] when all the parts of Life are ordered in their natural relations to each other’. He also defines it as consensus, analogous, and what health is for the body. He believed religion had two functions. A moral function to govern an individual and a political funtion to unite individuals.
  • Course on Positivity Cited

    Bourdeau, Michel, "Auguste Comte", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2022 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =