Auguste Comte

  • Birth

    Auguste Comte was born January 20, 1798
  • Major Work: The Course on Positive Philsoophy

    This is Comte's most influential work. It marks the introduction of the law of three stages which states that humanity must pass from the theological, to the metaphysical, to the positive. The theological stage is when man looks to the supernatural, like the gods, for explanation. The positive stage is when man recognizes the laws that govern nature itself. The metaphysical is merely a transitional point between the two.
  • Major Work: The System of Positive Polity

    This is Comte's second major work, much less well received than his first. In it, he attempts to extend his thought process from a philosophy of science to a religion of science, so that science can be used as a governing tool over the people.
  • Death

    August Comte died September 5, 1857
  • An Overview of the Law of Three Stages

  • Major Works Bibliography

    Comte, Auguste (1830-1842) Cours de Philosophie Positive. Paris: Rouen. Comte, Auguste (1851-1854) System de politique, ou traite de sociologie instituant la religion de l’Humanite. Paris, Carilan Goeury.
  • References

    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2018) Auguste Comte. Retrieved from: SocialSciencesUvA (2015, Aug 4) 3.2 The Law of the Three Stages of the Human Mind. Retrieved from: