Jan 1, 1502
The birth of Atahualpa
Atahualpa was born in 1492 in what is now Cajamarca, Peru. He was the son of Huayna Capac, the 12th ruler of the Incan Empire. He also had an older half-brother named Huascar. -
Jan 1, 1524
Birth of Atahualpa
In 1524, the great ruler died and the Incan empire was divided into two halfs. The northern part was controlled by Atahualpa and he ruled from Quito. While the southern half was ruled by Huascar and he ruled from the traditional royal capital of Cusco. -
Feb 1, 1527
Civil War against his half-brother
Neither of the brothers liked this arrangement. They both wanted complete control of the Incan Empire. So in 1527, a civil war broke out between them and naturally people took sides and the Incan Empire fought against each other. -
Feb 1, 1532
Winning of War against half-brother
In February of 1532, Atahualpa wins the civil war and gains full control over the entire Inca Empire by defeating his half-brother. After the battle his men find Huascar fleeing for his life. Atahualpa then captures Huascar's whole family ands puts them to death on his orders. -
Jul 1, 1532
Pizarros arrival in Latin America
In July of 1532, the spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro arrives in South America. Almost right away Atahualpa and Pizarro despise each other and over the next few months the trouble gets worse. The trouble soon escalates to a point where fights break out and it turns into a war. -
Dec 1, 1532
War between Atahualpa and Pizarro and their armys break out
In December of 1532, a war breaks out between the spanish conquistadors and the Inca. Pizarro and Atahualpa lead their army into battle. The conquistadors weaponry was hatchets and guns while the Incan weaponry was bows and arrows and the Inca were outmatched in army size even though they seemed to win about half the battles. -
Nov 16, 1533
Atahualpa's capture in Battle of Camjarca
On November 16 1533, the Battle of Cajamarca is fought between Pizarro and Atahualpa and their respective armies. In the the Incan army loses the battle and Atahualpa is captured by Pizarro and his men. Atahualpa is then held for ransom by the spanish forces. -
Nov 19, 1533
Pizarro captures Cusco
After this battle on November 19 1532, Pizarro captures the Inca capital of Cusco. This is what ends the war. Atahualpa’s forces were outnumbered and were easily defeated by the spanish to get into the city. -
Nov 26, 1533
Execution of Atahualpa
On November 26, 1533, Pizarro and his men execute the leader of the Incan Empire. When Atahualpa was captured, Pizarro and his men kept Atahualpa locked up and they tortured him. When his ransom date was not upheld by Pizarro and his men, the spanish burned Atahualpa to the stake. -
Jan 1, 1535
Pizarro founds Lima in Peru
After that Pizarro and his forces went on to conquer most of Latin America. In 1535, Pizarro founds the city of Lima as the capital of Spanish Peru. After this the spanish colonies in Latin America flourish and become successful.