Astronomy timeline (mars missions)

  • Mariner 3 attempted a flyby of Mars

    Mariner 3 attempted a flyby of Mars
    An original space shuttle that attempted a flyby of Mars. This failed.
  • Mars launches the unmanned U.S Mariner 4

    Mars launches the unmanned U.S Mariner 4
    Mariner 4 was an exact copy of the Mriner 3. This vehicle made a successful flyby of Mars.
  • Mariner 6 launches

    Mariner 6 launches
    Identicle to the Mariner 7, this was used for a successful flyby of mars.
  • Mariner 7 launches

    Mariner 7 launches
    Identicle to the Mariner 6, this was used to do a flyby of Mars.
  • Viking 1 launches

    Viking 1 launches
    This is the first spacecraft to successfully land on Mars and perform it's designed task.
  • Mars Observer was launched and lost

    Mars Observer was launched and lost
    This was used to study the Martian landscape and see what they could find.
  • NASA launches the Pathfinder

    NASA launches the Pathfinder
    The Pathfinder was ment to be a cheap way to explore Mars. This was one of the most useful rovers to ever be sent to Mars. It sent back lots of information!
  • Mars Polar lander launches

    Mars Polar lander launches
    This lander was designed to study soils and other things on Mars. Just before landing, they lost contact with the Polar Lander and the precious lander was lost.
  • 2001 Mars Odyssey launches

    2001 Mars Odyssey launches
    This is a robotic spacecraft that is made to orbit around Mars. That means it's an orbiter.
  • Mars Exploration Rovers

    Mars Exploration Rovers
    The Mars exploration rovers were used for many things. An example of that would be analysing the environment. Another objective was to look for minerals and other things.