Assignment #5

By KevinDG
  • Period: to


    Countries are trying to get more land and more resources for goods. They had to try to get other countries' land and use the military to get those land.
  • Signs of Nationalism in Germany and in Surrounding Countries

    Signs of Nationalism in Germany and in Surrounding Countries
    The Napoleonic War gave life to Nationalism in Germany. Germany's sense of nationalism spread all throughout Europe and even the America's.
  • Triple Alliance is Formed

    Triple Alliance is Formed
    The Triple Alliance was formed in secret with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
  • Dawes Plan was Passed

    Dawes Plan was Passed
    This protected Indian land and that the government counld not alter the Indian's land.
  • The Triple Entente was Formed

    The Triple Entente was Formed
    This was an alliance between France and Russia and thier allies.
    This was to combat the threat of the triple alliance.
  • Assassination Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Of Austria and his wife

    Assassination Of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Of Austria and his wife
    The Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated by a man named Gavrilo Princip. This event prompted the start of the first world war.
  • Germany gives a Blank Check to Austria-Hungary

    Germany gives a Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
    Germany gives a Blank Check to Austria-Hungary which means they were in support whatever they planned and this also means that Germany had Austria-Hungary's back.
  • WW1 Starts

    WW1 Starts
    This all started when the Archduke and his wife were assassinated. And Germany not willing to cooperate with other countries.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    There were 17 million deaths, 20 milion injured and many of them were civilians.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    A German U-Boat torpedoes the Lusitania. Lusitania was a ship full of English men and Americans. When America heard of this this angered them even more towards Germany.
  • The interception of the Zimmermann telegram.

    The interception of the Zimmermann telegram.
    The Zimmermann telegram was from Germany asking Mexico to fight with them against the US. It was intercepted by the British and was given to the US government.
  • Germany Declares Submarine Warfare

    Germany Declares Submarine Warfare
    Germany declared Submarine warfare against anyone in thier way. They broke off diplomatic ties with the US. Later, Germany sank many more ships.
  • The United States Declares War

    The United States Declares War
    THe United States declares war on Germany for invading Belgium, which was a country that was neutral.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles is Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed and Germany has to abide by the rules within the treaty. Also this treaty offically ended World War 1.
  • New Countries are Born

    New Countries are Born
    New countries are born due to end of World War 1.Countries that were born at the end of World War 1 are Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finlad, Poland, Ireland and Iceland.
  • The Young Plan was Passed

    The Young Plan was Passed
    The Young Plan was a revision of the Dawes Plan with minor changes.
  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    The stock market crashes becuase many people are taking out thier money from the stock market and selling thier stocks. In turn, lowers the value of stocks and eventually no one will buy stocks. leading to the crash of the stock market.
  • The Great Depression Starts

    The Great Depression Starts
    The Great Depression starts off when the stock market crashes and then more of America's goods are not being sold due to the stock market crash which leads to more financial problems for the US.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by Paul von Hindenburg, the President of Germany. He also was a supporter of the Nazi party.
  • Germany Starts to Build up his Army (Militarism)

    Germany Starts to Build up his Army (Militarism)
    Germany starts to stock up in soldiers and in weapons to try to out do the British Army. This eventually led to Germany invading Belgium.