
By nhaese
  • the mexican war

    the mexican war
    Recession-it is a recession because the war ened up costing the U.S. 75 million dollars, the debt is the economic indicator of the recession.
  • civil war

    civil war
    The civil war was a good time for the econoomys because they had to make lots of ammunition and weapons so the economy was in expansion due to high demand of weapons. An economic indicator of this is that there were not many people who were un employed they all were fighting or in factories making things for the war. This was also slightly bad for the economy because it was a war in our own country and it cost us a lot of money to keep up with damage and other things.
  • the great depression

    the great depression
    reccesion- it is a reccession because teh stock market crashed. An economic indicator is that the unemployment rate went up to almost 25%.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    expansion- during pearl harbor it was an expansion cause there was alot of jobs. An economic indicator was that the standards of living were good.
  • cold war

    cold war
    expansion- the economy was in a good place because we were just coming out of world war 2. An economis indicator is that the average income was high.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a recession because it made the DOW stocks drop 600 points and inccreased government spending by a lot there for making this a recession.
  • iraq war

    iraq war This was an expansion it got many people jobs in facories and other places because the demand was very high due to the fact that when you go to war you use a lot of capital resources. The high employment rate was the economic indicator.
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina This could be looked at as a recession and an expansion but It was more of recession because the hurricane destroyed many houses and businesses which left lots of people unemployed, which then is an economic indicator of the recession high unemployment.