Period: to
Media Coursework
Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts (Planning)
Planning the project: production schedule (planning)
Produce a production schedule for the Foundation Portforlio -
rough draft
week commensing 23rd November. rough draft of three pages -
Research case studies of real music magazine.
Preliminary Task: LSC magazine (Planning)
Audience feedback and evaluation - preliminary task / college magazine (planning)
Gather audience comments and feedback of my college magazine. -
Magazine newsstand task / distribution of magazines (Planning)
Being shown how to use dslr camera in this week. -
Audience research task (Planning)
Photography (Complete)
All photography should be completed by this date. -
Desk top publishinng and editing music magazine (Construction)
Audience research - main task / music magazine (Planning/ Evaluation)
Gather audience comments and feedback on my music magazine. -
Planning the evaluation
Creading evaluation
Evaluation answers need to be uploaded to blog by then. -
Evaluation review week / final blog check
Week commencing.