
  • Move out, publish something

    I want to write and publish either a poetry chapbook or just a singular novel. I already have a collection of my poetry, so I just need to contact a publicist and publisher. The publisher will most likely want to cut some things out, change my work, and I will have to allow that to happen so I can be a published author and gain the experience of being one before working on my trilogy. 2018.
  • Graduate, get a better (or second) job

    I will be graduating in June of 2017 and I will stay at my current job (Papa Murphy's) for the extra money, but I will also get a job in the writing field, probably editing or writing articles, to help me get a feel for the writing industry. I know people already in this field. 2018.
  • Get an associate's degree in creative writing

    I am going to go to a community college and get an associate's degree in creative writing. I do not want to go to school after graduation for a few years, so I will have time to save up to pay for the classes and materials needed, or I will apply for financial aid if need be. I will not have a lot of time to work and make money if I will be in school, so I will have to save up to make sure I will be financially stable during school. 2024.
  • Publish trilogy

    I want to complete and publish my trilogy. I can start by outlining the story/characters, writing chapters, and compiling all of the things I have been thinking about for the past 8 years. When I graduate, I'll have more time to write. Publishers will want to cut things out, I will have to sacrifice in order to be heard and published. 2030.