Baby is born!
Period: to
First Year of LIfe
One Month!
Lifts chin when placed on the stomach. -
Baby is 2 months old.
Baby finally starts responding by smiling. :)
Lifts chest well above surface when placed on the stomach. -
Still a little unsteady
Baby starts to rech for objects and holds up head unsteadily.
Rolls from side to back and from back to side.
By reaching 4 months old, the baby finally starts to laugh! -
Almost there!
Sits alone briefly, reaches and grasps successfully but ackwardly.
Finally a full nights sleep! -
Sitting up!
Around 5 or 6 months, most babies can sit up with support, either by resting on their hands in front of them or by leaning on pillows or furniture. -
Its Eating time!
Baby finally starts eating with their fingers!
Fun but messy! -
Learning about the new world.
Baby will startm to look closely at objects like rings or bells, uncover toys after seeing them hidden, bang blocks together and look for them when he drops them. He’ll still put most things into his mouth too.
Sits up steadily with no support. -
The crawling stage!
By 9 months, most babies crawl using both hands and feet, though some babies never crawl, preferring to creep or wriggle instead. -
Almost to the 1 year mark!!!!!
By 11 months, the baby starts to stand alone, and maybe some wobbly walking!!
Holds and drinks from a cup. -
1 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those first, wobbly steps are just a preview of what's to come. Walking is the first step to running, which is followed by jumping