Articles of confederation

Articles of Confederation

  • Lost state of franklin

    Lost state of franklin
    Was made because the government ordered a land grab act
  • Shays' rebellion

    Shays' rebellion
    Shays rebellion was caused by a unfair eent when shay was at war and didn't get any income and the government took his farm
  • annapolis convention

    annapolis convention
    meeting of commissioners to remedy the defects of the federal government
  • annpolis convention ending

    annpolis convention ending
    ending of the Annapolis convention
  • end of shays rebellion

    end of shays rebellion
    shays rebellion ended with farmers fighting not to pay high taxes
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
    held to make improvements to the articles of confederation
  • Endng of the lost state of franklin

    Endng  of the lost state of franklin
    lost state of franklin ended with the farmers fighting not to pay high taxes