Arthur Campbell Immigration Timeline

By cabates
  • Period: to

    Westward Expansion

  • Immigration

    On this day I first immigrated to America. I was so thrilled that I was finally in the land I have been dreaming of, America. I wanted to come to this land for two reasons, to live a happy life, and land. I left Scotland because after my family's house was burned while I was hunting for food and all of them were killed I sought to carry on the tradition of farming in the family and also keep the family name going.
  • Working For the Race

    Working For the Race
    For a while, I would work any jobs I could find to save up money for horses and equipment to compete in the race with because I was living on the streets at the time. And while I was working these jobs I would ask people certain things I should look out for during the race and for different techniqes to try out.
  • The Race

    This was the day that I competed in my first race. Although I have been train for the event for weeks I lost. This put me into a great depression because I thought I would never aqquire the land I have been wanting since my farm was burned
  • Life in the Inn

    Life in the Inn
    At this point in time I was living in the inn I stayed in the same one Istayed in while I was working. During this time since I had a bit of extra money I decided to get one of my friends I'd met to teach me how to ride horses and mastered the techniqes tought to me before.
  • Second Race

    Second Race
    On that day was the second race I decided to compete in on my quest for land. It was the best moment of my entire life, I was free to farm and live on my own land.
  • Living a happy life

    Living a happy life
    And from that time to now, I've never been happier. After winning my land I became a very wealthy farmer and was able to meet a wonderful woman to marry and have a family with.