Period: to
Realism movement
Utah War (US government vs Mormon settlers)
Fought in the US between citizens and Indians. -
Coeur d'Alene War (US vs Indians)
Hispano-Moroccan War (Spain)
Revolution of 1859 (Chile)
Federal War (Venezuela)
"Travelers in a Tropical Paridise" painted
By: Loius Remy Mignot -
American Civil War starts
Period: to
Expressionism Movement
Begins "Hall of the Mountain King"
By: Marsden Hartley -
Finishes "Hall of the Mountain King"
By: Marsden Hartley -
Picasso gains fame
World War I starts
World War I ends
Period: to
Surrealism movement
Begins "Composition (Still Life)"
By: Arshile Gorky -
Finishes "Composition (Still Life)"
By: Arshile Gorky -
World War II starts
Abstract expressionism art starts
World War II ends