Art 1304: Timeline Project

  • Oct 9, 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death started in the early 1330's in China, but it did not spread to Europe until 1347 in October. A couple of Italian merchant ships had returned from a trip to the Black Sea, which it is a major link in trade with China. Within a matter of days the disease spread rapidly . People who got it would get black spots/boils on the skin, that is how it got its name. Over the next five years, the Black Death had killed more than 20 million people in Europe.
  • May 21, 1471

    Albrecht Dürer

    Albrecht Dürer
    Albrecht Dürer was born on May 21, 1471 in Nuremberg, Germany. Dürer was a German painter, printmaker and theorist. He worked with his father as a goldsmith where he learned printmaking skills. His well known works include the Apocalyse woodcuts, knight, Death, and the Devil as well as Melencolia I. He died on April 6, 1528 at the age of 56.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was born on March 6, 1474 in Caprese, Italy. Born into a family of small-scale bankers, Michelangelo became one of the greatest artists of the Italian Renaisaance period. He was a sculptor, painter, architect, as well as a poet. His most famous artworks include the "David" and "Pieta" statues, the ceiling paintings of Rome's Sistine Chapel, and as well as The Last Supper. Michelangelo died at the age of 88 on February 18, 1564.
  • Dec 9, 1500

    The Haywain Triptych

    The Haywain Triptych
    The Haywain Triptych focuses on the subject of sin and the consequences it faces. This is one of a series of six paintings bought by King Phillip II of Spain. It is now located in the Museo del Prado in Madrid.
  • Dec 9, 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503. This portrait is thought to be Lisa Gherardini, who is the wife of Florentine cloth merchant named Francesco del Giocondo.
  • Sep 29, 1571


    Caravaggio, whose full name is Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio was on September 29, 1571 in Milan, Italy. Caravaggio was trained as a painter in Milan under Simone Peterzano. He exemphlified the dramatic flair of the Baroque style and was a master at re-envisioning religious scene. He also applied a tenebristic style which appeared in his works. He died on July 18, 1610 at the age of 38.
  • Girl with a Pearl Earring

    Girl with a Pearl Earring
    Girl with a Pearl Earring was created by Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter. This painting depicts a girl wearing a dress, a turban, and a large pearl earring. This painting is called a tronie, and it is oil on canvas.
  • Johann Joachim Winckelmann

    Johann Joachim Winckelmann
    Johann Joachim Winckelmann was born on December 9, 1717 in Stendal, Germany. Born in poverty, Winckelmann grew up to be come a art historian and a archaeologist. He promoted a neoclassical style in Italy and was considered the father of modern art history. Winckelmann died on June 8, 1768 in Italy.
  • The Loves of Paris and Helen

    The Loves of Paris and Helen
    The Loves of Paris and Helen was created by Jacques-Louis David, a french painter in the neoclassical style, in 1788. It shows Helen of Troy and Paris. This artwork is said to tell a story about revenge, revenge using love. This painting was created on oil on canvas.
  • Gustave Courbet

    Gustave Courbet
    Gustave was born as Jean Desire Gustave Courbet on June 10, 1819. He was a french painter that led the realist movement. Courbet was born into a wealthy family in Ornans. Some of his artworks include A Burial at Ornans and The Stone Breakers. He died on December 31, 1877 in Switzerland.
  • Pablo Picasso

    Pablo Picasso
    Pablo Ruiz y Picasso was also known as Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. He was a painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright. He is most known for his style of cubism in which his artworks include Guernica and The Old Guitarist. He died on April 8, 1973 in France.
  • Vase with Red Poppies

    Vase with Red Poppies
    Vase with Red Poppies was created by Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch post-impressionist painter. It was made in 1886 from oil paint. Flowers were the main subject of some of van Gogh's paintings.
  • The Open Window

    The Open Window
    The Open Window was created by Henri Matisse, a French artist, in 1905. It was created on oil on canvas during the period of fauvism.