Aro Modernoa

By Unai18
  • 1450

    Guttenberg inprenta

  • 1453

    Bizantziar inperioaren bukaera

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Cristobal Colon Amerikara iritsi zen

  • 1504

    Michelangelorenn David eskultura

  • 1517

    Luteroren Erreforma protestantea

  • Spanish war of succession

    Spanish war of succession
    It was a European great power conflict that took place from 1701 to 1715. When Charles II died Philip of Anjou and Charles of Austria wanted to be kings of spain. Finally Philip won.
  • Treaty of Utrech

    Treaty of Utrech
    This treaty gives the end of the spanish war of succeddion
  • Louis XIV of France died

    Louis XIV of France died
    Louis XIV is the king of France that has been more time as a king, for 72 years. After him Louis XV became king of France.
  • 7 year's war

    7 year's war
    It was a global conflict that involved most of the European great powers, it ended 7 years later, in 1763.
  • Diderot and d' Afembert started publishing the Encyclopedie

    Diderot and d' Afembert started publishing the Encyclopedie
    Diderot edited the France encyclopedie in 1759
  • First industrial revolution

    First industrial revolution
    The first industrial revolution began in England in 1760
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    It was a political revolution based on the principles of the American Enlightenment that ocurred in British.
  • French revolution

    French revolution
    It was a period of radical political and societal change in France. The French revolution ended in 1799
  • Edward Jenner-vaccine

    Edward Jenner-vaccine
    He created the firts succesful vaccine in the world. The vaccine was for people infected by cowpox.