Armenian Genocide

  • Turkish boycott

    Turkish boycott
    A Turkish boycott of Armenian businesses is declared by the Ittihadists. Dr. Nazim travels throughout the provinces to implement the boycott
  • Murdered while in custody

    300 Armenians arrested on May 10 in Diyarbekir are murdered while in custody.
  • Negotiations begin between the Turkish and German

    Negotiations begin between the Turkish and German
    Negotiations are started between the Turkish and German Imperial governments.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    Germany declares war on Russia. Beginning of World War I.
  • Crimes against Armenians

    Crimes against Armenians
    1,080 shops owned by Armenians are burned in the city of Diyarbekir
  • Declaration of War on the Ottoman Empire

    Declaration of War on the Ottoman Empire
    Russia formally declares war against the Ottoman Empire.
  • Killings of Armenians begin

    Killings of Armenians begin
    The beginning of a series of isolated murders to terrorize the Armenian population.
  • We must finish

    Tahir Jevdet, the governor-general of Van Province, is reported saying that the government must begin finishing the Armenians in Van at once.
  • Attack by Chetes

    An attack by chetes on the village of Purk near Shabin-Karahisar results in looting, murder, rape.
  • Government takes all weapons

    Government takes all weapons
    In the village of Chomaklu in Kayseri Province and in other places, the government demands all weapons from the Armenians.
  • Britsth attack

    The British decide to attack the Dardanelles
  • Greek's are killed

    Greek recruits are massacred near Smyrna
  • Arrested Armenians

    Arrested Armenians
    Thirty more Armenian community leaders are arrested in Zeitun.
  • Attacks on Armenian Villagees

    Widespread attacks on, and looting of, Armenian villages in Bitlis and Erzerum Provinces are fed by the accusation that the Armenians caused the war.
  • Arrests in Constantinople

    Russian citizens of Armenian origin are arrested in Constantinople.
  • Turks adopted a Policy

    The New York Times reports that the Young Turks had adopted a policy to annihilate the Armenians.
  • Third convoy

    The third convoy of Armenians departs from Erzinjan.
  • Hung in Sivas

    Twelve Armenian community leaders are publicly hanged in Sivas.
  • Male members killed

    The male members of 800 Armenian families in the town of Kharput are killed.
  • Anniversary of Liberal Constituation

    The seventh anniversary of the 1908 restoration of the liberal Constitution of 1876 is celebrated