
armenian genocide

  • Turkish Boycott

    A Turkish boycott of Armenian businesses is declared by the Ittihadists. Dr. Nazim travels throughout the provinces to implement the boycott.
  • Period: to

    Armenian Genocide

  • Armenian shops burned

    1,080 shops owned by Armenians are burned in the city of Diyarbekir.
  • Road Construction

    Mass arrests of Armenians are carried out in Dortyol and a public announcement is made that those arrested would be sent to work on road construction near Aleppo. They are never heard of again.
  • Dashnak Leader

    The Armenian Dashnak leader, Murad, resists arrest in Sivas and flees to the mountains, and after many daring escapes reaches the Caucasus.
  • Governor general removed

    Hamid, the governor-general of Diyarbekir Province, is removed for opposing the order of massacre, and is replaced by Dr. Reshid.