Hailey Garcia, HR 6

  • Jan 16, 1516

    Land Discovery

    Land Discovery
    Juan Diaz de Solis, a Spanish explorer, comes upon the land where Argentina sits.
  • Feb 2, 1536

    Foundation of Buenos Aires

    Foundation of Buenos Aires
    The soon-to-be capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is founded. This an older picture of it.
  • Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata

    Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata
    The Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata is created by Spain. Buenos Aires is named as its capital.
  • New Government

    New Government
    In Buenos Aires, citizens kick out the Spanish Viceroy and establish their own government. This picture represents the citizens who changed their government.
  • Argentina's Independence

    Argentina's Independence
    Argentina gained its independence from Spain. Here is a picture of the Argentine Declaration of Independence.
  • Neutral?

    World War II begins, and Argentina stays neutral at first. Although some Argentines sided with the Axis Powers, most followed the Allies. This Argentine newspaper, titled "Ruptura con Berlin y Tokio," or "Break with Berlin and Tokyo" when translated, shows Argentina's diplomatic break with the Axis Powers.
  • Juan Peron

    Juan Peron
    Juan Peron, an influential president in Argentina's history, is elected for his first term after his involvement during World War II. This photo is of him.
  • War

    Argentina goes to war with Britain over control of the Falkland Islands. They lose, and when their military government collapses, so does the repression they were going through. This image depicts the Argentine soldiers fighting for what they believed to be their islands.
  • Resignation

    President Fernando de la Rua resigns, and protests of unemployment and poverty occur earlier in the year. Here is a picture of the former Argentine president.
  • President

    Cristina Fernández de Kirchner becomes the first female president of Argentina. Here is a picture of her.