Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • Serbia successfully rebels against the Turkish-Ottoman Empire

    Serbia successfully rebels against the Turkish-Ottoman Empire
    In 1804, Serbia rebels against the Turkish-Ottoman Empire and announces its own constitution in 1835. Austria-Hungary was scared of the Slav's nationalistic mindset in the newly acquired nation-states and believed Serbia was the worst example of this. This sparked the Austro-Hungarian hate of Serbia.
  • The Dual Alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany

    The Dual Alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany
    The Dual Alliance was a defensive alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany established on October 7, 1879, as a part of a system of means to prevent war. This cartoon depicts the chain of events that alliances led to the First World War.
  • Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina

    Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina
    On October 6, 1908, the monarchy of Austria-Hungary announces its annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Much of the citizens in Bosnia were of Serbian ethnicity. Austria-Hungary also prevented the importation of Serbian pork into France through Bosnia and this angered Serbia. This fueled the fire for the hate of Austria-Hungary. This cartoon shows a picture of two boots, Austro-Hungarian, and their control over Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • The First Attempt

    The First Attempt
    That morning, the Archduke and his wife, Sophie, were in a open car when a bomb was thrown at the them. The bomb rolled off the of the car killing an officers and those who worked for the couple. The assailant was Nedjelko Cabrinovic, who was arrested after trying to commit suicide.
  • The Speech

    The Speech
    Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, went to see the mayor for his speech at the City Hall after the attempted assassination. Ferdinand angrily interrupted the speech but eventually calmed down to say the closing words.
  • Assassination of Ferdinand Video

    Assassination of Ferdinand Video
  • The Assassination

    The Assassination
    The couple wanted to go check on the bombing victims from earlier that morning. On the way there, the driver made a wrong turn. The driver realized this and stopped near a shop where Gavrilo Princip happened to be. He was one of the assains but decided to not go through with it, earlier. However, Princip saw the couple and shot them both. They both died within an hour. This picture is a painting of what an artist thought this moment looked like.
  • Newspapers in America

    Newspapers in America
    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, was a shock to the entire world. This angered many and triggered Austria-Hungary, who was now ready for war.
  • The Ultimatum

    The Ultimatum
    On July 23, 1914, Austro-Hungarian ambassador to Serbia, Baron Giesl von Gieslingen, delivers a letter to the Serbian ministry. The letter contained an ultimatum. The ultimatum's terms were extreme and this was on purpose. Austria-Hungary desired war with Serbia.
    Serbia accepted all terms except for the term that stated that Serbia allows Austria-Hungary into Serbia to help abolish the Black Hand.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria declares war on Serbia
    On July 28th, 1914, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia because Serbia declines a point of AH's ultimatum.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia video

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia video
  • Propaganda

    This propaganda poster depicts a German fist squashing a monkey that is to be Serbia. The German quote says "Serbia must die!" This was a poster to gain support for German interference in the war.
  • Germany and Russia declare war on each other

    Germany and Russia declare war on each other
    On August 1st, 1914, Germany and Russia declare war on each other due to their alliances with Austria and Serbia. Russia declared war on Germany due to their alliance with Serbia established in 1804 to assist Serbia in its revolution.
  • Newspapers in America

    Newspapers in America
    Even in America, the Archduke and his wife's death shocked the world. This was the start to the Great War.