APUSH Timeline 3/27/19

  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    The Platt Amendment was passed as part of the 1901 Army Appropriations Bill. It gave seven conditions for the withdrawal of United States troops remaining in Cuba at the end of the Spanish–American War, and an eighth condition that Cuba sign a treaty accepting these seven conditions.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    US forces sought to protect American interests and lives during and following the Panamanian revolution over construction of the Isthmian Canal. This was led by President Teddy Roosevelt
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Germany propose an alliance with Germany and Italy against America.
  • Fourteen Points

    Fourteen Points
    Statement of America's goals throughout the war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Brought World War I to an end and ended the chaos between the Germans and the allied powers.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The United States is more so known for not joining the League of Nations. While relationships could have been strengthened, the US believed that we could grow from within.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    This lowered the rate so that only 2% of people from each country were allowed to come to America. This showed how America did not approve of the actions of other countries
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    This pact was best known to outlaw war. This was important because it gave Americans a sense that change was happening and that they were safe.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    This tariff further raised the previous tariff. This led to more issues in communication between countries because nobody wanted to pay the extra money.
  • Stimson Doctrine

    Stimson Doctrine
    The US would not recognize any territory that was taken by force. This showed that America was not willing to communicate with nation's that were absuing their power.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935

    Neutrality Act of 1935
    When war breaks out arm shipments are prohibited. This shows that the US wants to play it safe.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    America supports the nationalistic movements, leaving them with bad relationships with Spain
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    President Roosevelt feels sympathetic towards China and wants to help.
  • World War II Begins

    World War II Begins
    The United States has to make up their mind if they want to re enter the new war
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Germany and Italy declared war on the US. This is when the US decides to enter the war.