APUSH (Wars and Political Parties)

  • 7 Years War

  • End of 7 Years War

  • Start of American Revolution

  • End of American Revolution

  • Federalist Party Created

  • Alien and Sedition Act

  • Second Revolutionary War

  • White House burned down

  • Red Scare

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Tariff Enacted

  • Tariff of 1833

  • New Deal Coalition in Democratic Party

  • Start of Mexican-American War

  • Ended Mexican American War

  • Statehood Convention Meets

  • Compromise of 1850

  • Election of 1852 (Franklin Pierce)

  • Know Nothing Party

  • Kansas Nebraska

  • No Party System

  • Dred Scott case

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • Republican Party Created

  • Election established Democratic and Republican Parties

  • Lincoln Elected

  • Civil War suspension of Habeas

  • Civil War Begins

  • Unions controls Mississippi River

  • Civil War Ends

  • Reconstruction Act

  • Compromise of 1877

  • End of 19th Century Literacy Tests

  • US Enters War

  • End of WW1

  • KKK and Immigration Act of 1924

  • US Declares War against Japan

  • WW2 Japanese-American Camps

  • End of WW2

  • McCarthyism

  • Korean War Begins

  • Vietnam War

  • End of Korean War

  • Black Codes established

  • US Pulls Out of Vietnam War