Period: 1500 to
Latin was a Lingua franca (Reading, writing, grammar structure and translating) ln the XIX century And it was the dominant language of education, commerce, and government in the Western World.
Then Latin gradually became displaced as a language of spoken and written communication.
The study of latin had become the standard way of studying foreign languages in schools.
Latin grammar was taught through rote learning of grammar rules, conjugations, translations and practice writing sentences. -
Period: to
The Grammar-Translation Method
Is a way of studying a language that approaches the language fist detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of his knowledge to the task of translating sentences and text out of the target language.
*Reading and writing are the major focus
*Grammar is taught deductively
It is still used in situations where understandig literary texts is the primary focus of FL study and there is little need for a speaking knowledge of the language. -
Mid and Late Nineteenth Century
Opossition to the Grammar Translation Method gradually developed in several European countries. -
L. Sauver
Used intensive oral interaction in the target language employing questions as a way of presenting and eliciting language. He opend a language school in boston in the late 1860, and his method soon became referred to as a Natural Method -
The beggining of The Reform Method
*The discipline of linguistics was revitalized.
*Phonetics was established.
*Linguistics emphasized that speech was the primary form of language. -
Period: to
Direct Method
This is known as Natural method too and it's based in the way children learn they native language
-Only the use of target language is allowed in class
It believes in introducing the particular before general, concrete before abstract and practice before theory. -
Period: to
The Reform Movement
Wilhelm Viëtor
In Germany the prominent scholar used linguistic theory to justified his views on language teaching. He argued that training in Phonetics would enable teachers to pronounce the language accurately. Speech patterns, rather than grammar, were the fundamental elements of language. -
F. Franke
Wrote on the pshycological principles of direct association between forms and meanings in the target language and provided a theorical justification for a monolingual approach to teaching. -
GMT - 1885
Traditional way of teaching Latin and Greek -
Henry Sweet
Henry Sweet set principles for the development of teaching method:
→Careful selection of what is to be taught
→imposing limits on what is to be taught
→Arranging what is to be taught in terms of the 4 skills (L,S,R,W)
→grading materials from simple to complex -
The International Phonetic Association was Founded. It advicated:
→The study of the spoken language
→Phonetic training in order to establish good pronunciation habits
→ The use of conversation text and dialogues to introduce conversational phrases and idioms.
→Inductive approche to teaching of grammar
→New meanings -
Period: to
Michael Long
Focus on form (FonF) and form-focused instruction (FFI) indicate a concern with the structural system of language from a communicative perspective. Thus, FonF/FFI refer to a new type of grammar instruction embedded within a communicative approach, and in that sense this approach is a prime example of trying to implement the explicit-implicit interface in actual classroom practice. -
Period: to
Principal component analysis (PCA)
It is clearly an ongoing process, but based on the research conducted over the past decade, we can formulate some key guiding principles for the approach.
1. PCA should be meaning-focused and personally significant as a whole.
2. The controlled practice principle
3. The declarative input principle
4. The focus-on-form principle
5. The formulaic language principle
7. The focused interaction principle -
1920 - DM
Use of the Direct Method on non-commercial schools in Europe had consequently declined.
In France and Germany it was gradually modified in two versions that combined some direct method techniques with more controlled grammar based activities. -
Audiolingual Method
°Identify the grammatical structures and the basic patterns
°Practice this patterns by systematic attention to pronunciation and intensive oral drilling.
°New Material is presented in dialogue form
°By constant repetition the learner develop habits
°Grammar is taught deductively -
Period: to
The Methods Era
Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative language teaching was introduced at the beginning of the 1970s by British and American scholars to promote the teaching of usable communicative skills in L2 instruction. Although it was seen by many as a counterreaction to the audiolingual method that dominated the 1960s, the main goal of CLT – to develop a functional communicative L2 competence in the learner – was actually similar to the primary audiolingual objective. -
Noam Chomsky explained a new theory of language (Aquisition and Learning).
Suggestopedia Lonazov (1979)
Community Language Learning Charles Currant (1972). -
The beginning of CLT
Communicative language teaching was introduced at the beginning of the1970s by British and American scholars to promote the teaching of usablecommunicative skills in L2 instruction. -
Points out that in Grammar Translation was not necessarily the horror that its critics depicted it as. -
Content-Based Instruction and Task-Based Language Teaching
New approaches to language teaching as did movements such as Competency-Based Instruction that focus on the outcomes of learning rather than methods of teaching. Other approaches, such as cooperative Learning, whole language approach and multiple intelligences, originally developed in general education, have been extended to second language settings. -
Period: to
The Principled Communicative Approach
It has become a real buzzword in language teaching methodology, but the extent to which the term covers a well-defined and uniform teaching method is highly questionable.
Explicit learning refers to the learner’s conscious and deliberate attempt to master some material or solve a problem. This is the learning type emphasized by most school instruction. In contrast, implicit learning involves acquiring skills and knowledge without conscious awareness -
Period: to
The focus in language education in the twenty-first century is no longer on grammar, memorization and learning from rote, but rather using language and cultural knowledge as a means to communicate and connect to others around the globe. Geographical and physical boundaries are being transcended by technology as students learn to reach out to the world around them, using their language and cultural skills to facilitate the connections they are eager to make. -
Skill Learning Theory
•The declarative input stage is to provide clear and concise rules and sufficientexamples that the learner can then interpret and rehearse, thereby raisingawareness of and internalising the skill.
•The controlled practice stage should offer opportunities for abundantrepetition within a narrow context.
•The open-ended practice stage involves the continuous improvement in theperformance of a skill that is already well established in a wider and widerapplicability range. -
Learner-centered with teacher as facilitator/collaborator
Focus on the three modes: interpersonal, interpretive,
and presentational
Use of thematic units and authentic resources
Emphasis on the relationship among the perspectives,
practices, and products of the culture
Integrating technology into instruction to enhance learning
Using language as the vehicle to teach academic content
Students know and understand criteria on how they will be
assessed by reviewing the task rubric