Apollo 11 mission patch

Apollo 11 and the First Landing of Humans on the Moon

  • GMT: 20:17:39 - Armstrong landed the ‘Eagle' on the moon.

    GMT: 20:17:39 - Armstrong landed the ‘Eagle' on the moon.
  • GMT: 23:43:00 - The astronauts put on their spacesuits.

    GMT: 23:43:00 - The astronauts put on their spacesuits.
  • GMT: 02:51:16 - Armstrong climbed out of the ‘Eagle'.

    GMT: 02:51:16 - Armstrong climbed out of the ‘Eagle'.
  • GMT: 02:56:15 - Armstrong walked on the moon.

    GMT: 02:56:15 - Armstrong walked on the moon.
  • GMT: 03:13:56 - Aldrin climbed out of the ‘Eagle'.

    GMT: 03:13:56 - Aldrin climbed out of the ‘Eagle'.
  • GMT: 03:09:08 - The astronauts collected rocks.

    GMT: 03:09:08 - The astronauts collected rocks.
  • GMT: 03:41:43 - They planted their flag.

    GMT: 03:41:43 - They planted their flag.
  • GMT: 16:50:35 - They landed in the Pacific Ocean.

    GMT: 16:50:35 - They landed in the Pacific Ocean.