Ap euro

AP Euro Timeline(Griffin)

  • Period: Jan 1, 1056 to Dec 7, 1447

    Visconti Family

    -Founded 1056
    -first ruler was Idelbrando
    -last ruler was Fillipo Maria
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


    Humanism ideas begin to spread and become prominent after the great Schism. These also were followed by secular and Protestant ideas. Art becomes vibrant and more detailed using things such as perspective with a picture and putting emotion on a face.
  • Period: Jul 20, 1304 to Jun 19, 1374


    -Italian poet/scholar
    -father of Humanism
  • Period: Jan 1, 1378 to Jan 1, 1417

    Great Schism*

    -led to rise of humanism & Protestant Reformation
    -3 popes all elected falsely
    -Cardinals split between popes
    -Catholic Church now centered in Avignon not Rome
  • Period: Sep 27, 1398 to Dec 7, 1494

    Cosimo de Medici

    First of Medici political dynasty
    Reigned 1434-1464
  • Period: Dec 7, 1398 to Dec 7, 1468


    -invented printing press
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Transatlantic Slave Trade*

    The Transatlantic Slave Trade formed a trade route triangle that went from Africa to the Americas to Europe. In Africa people would have wars and civil wars to sell each other into slavery. In the Americas slaves were brought in huge ships after a very long journey, that many did not survive and those that did suffered extremely abusive situations, only to become slaves to most likely work themselves to death. Conditions were far worse in South America compared to North America.
  • Period: Dec 7, 1447 to Dec 7, 1535

    Sforza Family

    -founded 1447
    -founder was Muzio Attendolo
    -Ludovico was Duke of Milan
    -final ruler was Francesco II
  • Period: Dec 7, 1449 to Dec 7, 1492

    Lorenzo the Magnicicent

    Oversaw Golden Age of Florence
  • Period: Oct 31, 1451 to Dec 7, 1506


    -discovered the New World(sent by Spanish to find a new route to India) 1492
    -Italian explorer
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to Dec 7, 1519

    Da Vinci

    -Italian engineer, artist
    -Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Vitruvian Man
  • Period: Sep 21, 1452 to Dec 7, 1498

    Girolamo Savonarola

    -Dominican monk
  • Period: Mar 9, 1454 to Dec 7, 1512


    -Americas named after him
    -Italian explorer
    -proved New World was not the East Indies
  • Apr 9, 1454

    Treaty of Lodi

  • Period: Oct 28, 1466 to Dec 7, 1563


  • Period: Feb 19, 1473 to Feb 24, 1543


    -presemted heliocentric solar system theory
    -wrote On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
  • Period: Feb 7, 1474 to Dec 7, 1535


    -wrote Utopia(idealized society)
    -Lord Chancellor 1529-32
  • Period: Mar 6, 1475 to Dec 7, 1564


    -Italian sculptor, painter, poet, architect
    -David, ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Creation of Adam
  • Period: Dec 7, 1480 to Dec 7, 1521


    -Portuguese explorer
    -first to circumnavigate the Earth
  • Period: Apr 6, 1483 to Dec 7, 1520


    -Italian painter, architect
    -School of Athens, Sistine Madonna
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Dec 7, 1546

    Martin Luther*

    Martin Luther founded Lutheran religious branch. He introduced the idea that people are saved through faith alone. Among one the first major protestant leaders. He starterd out as aGerman monk however became confused by the actions and ways of the Catholic church that contridicted their faith. He began to openly speak of his troubles. He wrote 95 thesis explaining his thoughts and nailed them to a church door. After conflict involving the pope directly he went into hiding and went free.
  • Period: Dec 7, 1484 to Dec 7, 1531

    Ulrich Zwingli

    -actually born Jan first
    -reformed Catholic Church
  • Period: Jun 28, 1491 to Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII

    -created Church of England after pope would not grant him a divorce
  • Period: Jan 1, 1495 to Dec 1, 1496

    League of Venice

  • Period: Jul 10, 1509 to May 27, 1564

    John Calvin

    -founded Cavinist religion
    -introduced predestination theory
    -strict rules surrounding Calvinists due predestination beliefs
  • Period: Oct 12, 1531 to Jul 6, 1553

    Edward VI

    • Henry's son -allowed Protestant views to spread in England
  • Period: Dec 8, 1545 to Dec 8, 1563

    Council of Trent

    -strengthens Bishop
  • Period: Jan 22, 1561 to


    -researched natural world
    -poineer of setting up complex emperiments
  • Period: Dec 27, 1571 to


    -Brahe's assitant
    -theorized that planets move in oval shaped orbits
  • Aug 24, 1572

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre*

    St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre*
    -August 22 attempted assassination of Catherine de Medici
    -20000 Protestants killed by Catholics
  • Nov 8, 1576

    Pacification of Ghent*

    Pacification of Ghent*
    -Habsburg territories and Netherlands ally to drive away Spain
  • Period: to


    -people are naturally evil
    -rulers should have no limit to power
  • Period: to


    -created scientific method
    -all thought should be based on mathematical model
  • Edict of Nantes*

    Edict of Nantes*
    The Edict of Nantes was issued by Henry IV of France. The edict
    allowed Huguenots to be tolerated and allowed to practice their religion in France. The Edict of Nantes was revoked by Louis XIV in 1685.
  • Period: to

    Dutch Golden Age*

    The Dutch were among the first to institute complete religous tolerance. Also the Dutch founded the Dutch East India Trading Company which led to a huge trade based economy. Trade came from the Mediterranean, India, and the Americas. There was one product thst was the back of the dutch economy, Tulips. Eventually people learned they could grow their own tulips and the economy collapsed ending the golden age.
  • 12 Years Truce

    -recognized by Peace of Westphalia
  • Period: to

    30 Years War*

    Spain had control over much of HRE and the Netherlands and was supressing protestantism because spain was very Catholic. This led to unrest within the HRE leading to a war of Spain vs Sweden, the Habsburgs, the Netherlands, England, and France. This war eventually led to the Peace of Westphalia however led to a lot of devastation within the HRE. The war left about 20% of the HRE's population dead
  • Period: to


    -people are naturally good
    -life liberty property
  • Peace of Westphalia*

    Peace of Westphalia*
    -ended 30 years war
    -ended conflict between Netherlands and Spain
  • Period: to

    Old Regime Aristocrat Powers*

    Under the Old Regime Aristocrats had unparalled power and rights and they fought to keep these. In England aristocrats owned1/4 of all the land and had exclusive rights to hunt. In France they didn't pay tax and made up about 5% of the population. In Russia the aristocrats had put the serfs into to such a poor situation financially and socially they were practically slaves. All aristocrats lived lavishly in palaces.
  • Period: to


    Napoleon was from Corsica. He joined the French army and quickly went up ranks. He led a conquest through Egypt and became its ruler weakening British influence there. He took control in 1804 and set up the consulate system. Crowned king of Italy in 1805. In 1805 he defeated Prussia at the battle of Gena and dissolved the HRE. He tried to set up the Continental System to cut trade off to BRitain however it didn't work. After a failed Russian invasion his empire failed and he was exiled to Elba.
  • Louis XVI covenes Estate General*

    Louis XVI covenes Estate General*
    3 estates
    3)Middle Class
  • Period: to

    French Crisis/National Assembly*

    France is in debt after supporting the American Revolution. Aristocrats are blamed. Louis XVI convenes Estate General. 3rd Estate leaves and creates National Assembly asking the other 2 to join and rid of the monarchy. The 3rd Estate takes the Tennis Court Oath showing loyalty to the assembly. They create the Declaration of Rights of Man & Citizen which stated men are born to remain free & equal in rights.
  • Period: to

    Early Socialism*

    Socialism came from Utopianism. Its main early branches were Saint-Simonianism, Owenism, Fourierism, Anarchism, and Marxism. It has 5 attributes.
    1)society is more than the individual
    2)human welfare is a society objective
    3)humans are productive
    4)all humans are equal
    5)history is a way to progress
  • Escape from Elba and Battle of Waterloo*

    Escape from Elba and Battle of Waterloo*
    After being banished to Elba by the Congress of Vienna; Napoleon escapes back to France and regains power for 100 days but is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo by Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia( Quadruple Alliance). He is then banished to St. Helena, off the west coast of Africa, where he dies in 1821 of stomach cancer or he may have been poisoned by the British
  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    -questioned TSAR power and rule
    -quickly crushed after a few attempts
    -5 leaders of the revolt publically hanged
  • Period: to

    Industrialization & Urbanization*

    Many began to move to the cities after poor harvests between 1845 and 47. Transportation improved between the 1830s and 40s with the railroad. The labor force became proletarianized and guilds and other labor or trade organizations were banned by liberals. Confection occcured. Families could now rely on 1 person working for money and unskilled labor due to better technology allowed women and children to work.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Factory Act of 1833
    -children under the age of 9 cannot work
    -this limited the work day time
    -children must have at least 2 hours of education
  • London Working Men's Association

    This was founded by William Lovett
    Its 6 points were
    1)universal male suffrage
    2)annual elections for house of commons
    3)scret ballot voting
    4)equal electorial districts
    5)abolish qualifications for house of commons
    6)salaries for house of commons members
  • Revolutions of 1848* (France and Background)

    Revolutions of 1848* (France and Background)
    From 1845 to 47 there was poor harvests, economic recession, and a decline in the standard of living all across Europe. The first revolution was in France that led to clubs, abolishing the monarch, a 10 hour work day(city) and 12 hour work day(rural), and a new constitution.
  • Revolutions 1848* (Austria & Hungary)

    Revolutions 1848* (Austria & Hungary)
    In Austria there a student revolt that led to Metternich's exile that lasted until 1851. In Hungary there was a parliment formed. Russia intervened with the revolution in Hungary and they soon surrendered.
  • Revolutions of 1848*(Germany)

    Revolutions of 1848*(Germany)
    In Germany it led to universal male suffrage, the Declaration of the Rights of Man which had freedom of speech and religion and allowed private property. The unification of Germany failed under Frankfurt Parliament.
  • Roman Republic

    -led by Garibladi
    -Pope leaves Rome to go to France
    -a counter revolution occured and the republic soon fell
  • Period: to

    Italian Unification*

    This unification had 3 main leaders. Mazzini founded Young Italy that was a secret organization for unification. Garibaldi had a military force called the Red Shirts and they captured the 2 Sicilies and joined Sardinia. In Sardinia Cavour had convinced the French to aid Italy in driving Austria out and once this was done Emmanuel II became king.
  • Period: to

    Unification of Germany*

    After Otto von Bismark was appointed prime minister of Prussia in 1862 he vowed to unify Germany by "Blood and Iron". There were 3 wars for German Unifictaion. The first was the Schleswig War that was Austria and Prussia vs Denmark. The next was the Austro-Prussia or the 7 Weeks War that was Prussia vs Austria establishing Prussian dominance over Germany. The last was the Franco-Prussian War that was France vs Prussia. This gained Prussia Alsace and Lorraine. At Versailles Bismark becomes ruler.