Ospaal anti apartheid poster1977

Apartheid Timeline

  • almost 75000 black miners went on strike

    strike was for better pay and working conditions
  • the national party was selected and apartheid introduced

  • president D F MIlan comes into power

  • prohibition of mixed marriages

  • the group areas act went into passing

  • the bantu homelands act came into passing

    land reserved for black africans became independant nations
  • the abolition of passes and co ordination act

    africans were required to carry information
  • the bantu education act

  • under the group areas act, sophiatown was demolished

  • PAC was formed

  • Sharpville Masacre

    69 people die while marching to a police station, and on that day ANC and PAC are banned
  • South Africa becomes a republic

    they left the commonwealth
  • Nelson Mandela is Imprisoned

    After the rivonia trial, a life sentence for high treason
  • District 6

    District 6 is declared a white area
  • Assasination

    Hendrik Verwoerd is assasinated in parlament city, capetown. By Dimitri tsafendas
  • Soweto Uprising

    A series of highschool student let protesting, 176 people were killed. One of them was Hector Petorson