Apartheid in South Africa

  • The African National congress starts the Defiance Campaign

    The African National congress starts the Defiance Campaign
    People start a peaceful protest to apartheid by breaking the laws that they think are wrong. This includes black people sitting on benches marked for white people only, and black people being out after curfew.
  • The Bantu Education Act is Passed

    The Bantu Education Act is Passed
    A law is passed that separates black and white education. Black people were taught a working class because they were not expected to do anything else.\
  • Sixty-nine people are killed in the Sharpeville Massacre

    Sixty-nine people are killed in the Sharpeville Massacre
    During apartheid blacks were required to carry passbooks(they held pictures, information, name, date of birth, etc). Protesters went to the Sharpeville police station without their passbooks and a riot broke out. The police officers killed 69 people.
  • Nelson Mandela is arrested for treason

    Nelson Mandela is arrested for treason
    Mandela was the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, part of the African National Congress. He was arrested because of his role in bombing government targets. He was sentenced to life.
  • South Africa is expelled from the United Nations

    South Africa is expelled from the United Nations
    South Africa is removed fro the United National due to Apartheid. They are not allowed back into the United Nations until Apartheid ends.
  • More than 600 students are killed in the Soweto Massacre

    More than 600 students are killed in the Soweto Massacre
    High school students were starting to protest for having improved schools. The police broke up the protest with bullets and tear gas and Moore than 600 people died.
  • Nelson Mandela is released from prison

    Nelson Mandela is released from prison
    After 27 years in prison Nelson Mandela is freed and he thanks President de Klerk. Mandela tells President de Klerk that there is still more work to be done to stop Apartheid.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa

    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa
    The country’s first black and white election and Mandela was elected. He is the first black president in the history of South Africa.