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Apartheid in South Africa

  • Policy of Apartheid

    Policy of Apartheid
    The Policy of apartheid (segregation on a racial basis) implemented when the National Party comes to power. After this there all white government immediately began enforcing policies of racial segregation.- https://www.history.com/topics/africa/apartheid
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
    Act of 1949, was an apartheid law in South Africa that prohibited marriages between Europeans and non-Europeans. It was among the first pieces of apartheid legislation to be passed following the National Party's rise to power in 1948. - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_of_Mixed_Marriages_Act,_1949
  • The Population Registration Act

    The Population Registration Act
    The Population Registration Act demands all South Africans be registered according to their racial group: White, Black or Colored. Social rights, political rights, educational opportunities, and economic status were largely determined by the group.- https://www.history.com/topics/africa/apartheid
  • The Bantu Education Act

    The Bantu Education Act
    South African segregation law which legalized several parts of the apartheid system. Its major idea was enforcing racially separated educational facilities.
  • Sharpeville massacre

    Sharpeville massacre
    Sixty-nine men were killed and 150 injured. They were killed and injured by the Sharpville police station.
  • Rivonia Trial

    Rivonia Trial
    The Rivonia Trial led to the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela. Also the others accused were convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life at the Palace of Justice, Pretoria.
  • The African homelands

    The African homelands
    Homelands were established as part of the grand apartheid strategy of separate developments. The idea was to establish states to which black South Africans were forced to have citizenship.
    - https://southafrica-info.com/infographics/provinces-homelands-south-africa
  • Nelson Mandela’s Death

    Nelson Mandela’s Death
    The first President of Africa to be elected also the country’s first Black President died at the age of 95 years old. He was suffering from a respiratory infection.