Anti apartheid demonstration in johannesburg h


  • criminal law amendment act

    criminal law amendment act
    Wilde received the card ten days later, and, encouraged by Boise decided to take a warrant against the Marquis for criminal libel.
  • Nelson Mandela birthday

    Nelson Mandela birthday
    Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918
  • Immorality act

    Immorality act
    Immorality act was the title of two acts of the parliament of South Africa which prohibited, amongst other things, sexual relations between white people and people of other race.
  • Mixed marriages act

    Mixed marriages act
    The Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, Act No 55 of 1949, was an apartheid law in South Africa that prohibited marriages between people of different races
  • Apartheid

    After the national party gained power in South africa. Its all white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation under a system of legislation that it called apartheid.
  • Population Registration act

    Population Registration act
    The population registration act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with his or her racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid.
  • Bantu Authorities Act

    Bantu Authorities Act
    act to provide for the establishment of certain Bantu Authorities and to define their functions, to abolish the natives representative council.
  • public safety act

    public safety act
    in 2014, Governor Haslam established a task force on sentencing recidivism as a part of the administrations overall effort to reduce crime and improve public safety.
  • South Africa independence

    South Africa independence
    South Africa was unified by great Britain in 1910. The African national congress was formed in 1912. For the first 60 years of it Independence, South Africa was a country dominated by white minority rulers
  • When nelson Mandela went to prison

    When nelson Mandela went to prison
    He went to prison on June 12, 1964
  • On what day was Nelson Mandela released from Prison?

    He was released on Feburary 11 1990
  • National party

    National party
    The national party was a political party in South Africa founded in 1915 and first became the governing party of the country in 1924.
  • the end of the apartheid

    the end of the apartheid
    F.W. de Klerk became the president of South Africa in 1989. An attorney like Nelson Mandela, de Klerk realized that South Africa would had to change.
  • Zuma Assumes the presidency

    Zuma Assumes the presidency
    Zuma was born in Nkandla, South Africa, on April 12, 1942, Jacob Zuma was elected president of South Africa in 2009.
  • How old was Nelson Mandela when he died?

    How old was Nelson Mandela when he died?
    He died when he was 95