Jan 1, 1491
The first humans crossed Beringia from Asia to the Americas. The spread from North and South America creating distinct cultures, complex structures and trading routes. -
Period: Jan 1, 1491 to
Early Contact
Discusses America without explorers and the early colonization of America -
Jan 1, 1500
Castas System
There was a change in culture becuase the Spanish and Portuguese beagn mixing with the Native Americans creating mestizos. The Portguese and Spanish continuted to be superior to Native Americans. However the children of Portuguese or Spanish and Native Americans parents had a higher status then Natives. -
Atlantic Slave Trade
The Atlantic slave trade replace the Ecomienda System. -
Indentured Servants
Indentured servants volunteered to work in America. The passage into the New World was paid in full, In the end, they would be reward with freedom dues.Many Englishmen thought it was a great deal, or so they thought . During their working terms they would run out of money paying Engfland to settle in theier colonies. Indetured servatnts would end up extending their terms trying to pay of debts and sustain and stable lifestyle. -
The Puritians came to America seeking religous freedom. They were the first British colony to settle in Jamestown. -
Period: to
Unit 2: Altantic World
Europeans and American Indians maneuvered and fought for dominance, control, and security in North America, and distinctive colonial and native societies emerged. -
Smallpox Outbreak
Many Native Americans were greatly affected by Smallpox. For instance, two-thirds of the Huron Confederacy's population died.In the mid-18th century , half of the Catawba Nation was killed buy a smallpox outbreak. -
Period: to
Unit 3: The New Nation
British imperial attempts to reassert control over its colonies and the colonial reaction to these attempts produced a new American republic, along with struggles over the new nation’s social, political, and economic identity. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris allowed the United States to acquire the land west of the Mississippi River. This expanded United States terrritory. As a result, Americans began moving west. -
Proclamation Line of 1763
The Promclation Line of 1763 restricted families/colonist from settling West of the Appachian Mountains. However, the colonists ignored the Proclamation. As a result, Native Americans were driven out of their territories. King george III issued it to keep the fur trade intact. -
Valley Forge
During the winter of 1777-1778 there were harsh conditions at Valley Forge. Due to the mini ice age there was limited food and supplies. Nearly 2,000 soldiers died from malnutrition, cold and disease. http://www.history.com/news/235-years-ago-washingtons-troops-made-camp-at-valley-forge -
During the Revolution family structure change because men were fighting the war. Women had taken on more responsibilites by acquiring jobs outside the home to provides for their familes. This was most common among the lower classes, because the last thing high class families would want is for their females to work outside the home. -
Period: to
Unit 4: Reform and Social Change
The new republic struggled to define and extend democratic ideals in the face of rapid economic, territorial, and demographic changes. -
Manifest Destiny
Americans began moving closer to the frontier.America wanted to cover the entire continent . " From sea to shining sea.." Single men would settle in the new land to work in mines with the hopes of gold and fertile land. -
Temperance Movement
The Temperance Movement was an attempt to eliminate alcohol consumption, in hopes of bettering the home. This movement was one of the Antebellum Reform Movements which aspired to improve society and American culture. -
Period: to
Unit 5: Civil War- Compromise and Conflict
As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over slavery, led to a civil war—the course and aftermath of which transformed American society. -
The Start Of The Civil War
During the Civil War, Many families were only left with mothers and sisters to provide for the family. Fathers were recruited to either fight with the Union or Confederate troops. The Civil War drastically changed the structure of families. -
Homestead Act
The act granted public land in 160 acres allotments in the West to those willing to farm the land for five years. This influenced some families to move out West. -
Period: to
Unit 6: Gilded Age
The transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an increasingly industrialized and urbanized society brought about significant economic, political, diplomatic, environmental, and cultural changes. -
Transcontinental Railroad
The Transcontinental Railroad connect the East coast and the West coast. Helped enable the families to migrate between the two coasts and the midwest.. The increased the number of families all of the United States. -
Period: to
Unit 7: Domestic and Global Challenges/ Creation of Mass Culture
An increasingly pluralistic United States faced profound domestic and global challenges, debated the proper degree of government activism, and sought to define its international role. -
Rise of New Industry
Business was booming in the North, as a result more people were attracted to it. the north was run on steel and oil................................. -
Great Migration
The Great Migration was a movement where 300,000 African American moved rural south and northern cities. Many African Americans sought to escape the horrifying Jim Crow laws of the south. In the North, they weren't considered equal to white people but better opportunites were availble. -
Wartime Conversions
World War I
World War I began June 1914, when a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia assassinated the Archduke of Austria. Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were apart of the Central powers. Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan were apart of allies. Three years later, the US joined the Allies. During World War I weapons reached a new level with, chemical weapons tanks, and machine guns. Around 9 million soldiers were killed and about 21 million wounded. The war ended in Nov. 1918. -
Women Gained Suffrage
get exacte date -
Due to unemployment , bank failures, and business closure in the Great Depression people began living in hoovervilles.Familes lost their homes, so they moved to shantytowns made with tents and shacks. -
Mexican Immigrants
??? -
Immigration Quota
get exact date talk about red scare -
World War II
Japanese Internment
During WWII about 120,000 Japanese were forced out of their homes into internment camps. Even if they were born in America, if they had japanese ancestry they had to go. They were kept in converted horse barns. The governments' reasoning was xenophobia. They feared foreigners would be communist spies. Germans and Italians were also interned. -
Period: to
Unit 8: Prosperity and Global Responsibilty
After World War II, the United States grappled with prosperity and unfamiliar international responsibilities while struggling to
live up to its ideals. -
Baby Boom
When soldiers returned from WWII, they began having babies rapidly. One baby was born every 7 seconds. Many of these familes moved to the suburbs. These communitity of suburbs homes were called Levittowns.Since they lived in the surburbs and jobs were in the city, people drove on the Interstate Highway for a faster travel route. -
Air Conditioning and the Sun Belt
Many families began migrating towards the sunbelt, southern and western states. Although the sunbelt was hot the new technological advancement, air-conditioning, made it more appealing. Cities that experienced an increase in popluation due to A/C were Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles and Phoenix. -
nuclear family
A nuclear family is a family that consists of one father, one mother,and two children. -
Period: to
Unit 9: Globalization/ Redefining National Identity
As the United States transitioned to a new century filled with challenges and possibilities, it experienced renewed ideological and cultural debates, sought to redefine its foreign policy, and adapted to economic globalization and revolutionary changes in science and technology. -
1st Persian Gulf War
Medical Advancements and Graying of America
9/11 Attacks
The 9/11 attacks were a series of suicide attacks by Al Qaeda .Hijackers crashed two planes in the Twin Towers. Another plane hit the Pentagon. A fourth plane crashed in to a field near Shanksville Pennsylannia. 2,996 people died as a result to the attacks. In response Bush declared a war on terrorism. That day is a day mourned by countless people. -
7 Billion & Growing
On October 31 ,2011 the world's population reached seven billion. Our population is growing so rapidly, there is a possibility of overpopulation. Every hour 6,316 people die, but that is nothing compared to the 15,000 people born every hour. It is unkown whether or not the earth will be able to sustain future growth.
http://www.ecology.com/birth-death-rates/ -
Family Structure
Family structure nowadays has changed drastically. There are families with single parents, homosexual parents, and adopted children. This is a big change from the nuclear family with one mother, one father, and two children.