Period: Apr 16, 1337 to Apr 16, 1453
Hundred Years War
Period: Apr 16, 1400 to Apr 16, 1430
1400-1430-Civic Humanism
Created by the Medici Family. Civic Humanism is the belief that you can use education and art to improve your government and city-state -
Period: Apr 19, 1430 to
Age of Exploration
Period: Jan 1, 1450 to
The Beginning of the Renaissance signaled the end of the Middle Ages. Renaissance is the rebirth of interest in art, education, culture, and trade -
Apr 16, 1469
1469-first unificaiton of Spain when Ferdinand and Isabella get married
Apr 16, 1470
Under Ferdinand and Isabella. Reconquista is the war against the Moors to drive them out of Spain -
Aug 22, 1485
1485-Start of Tudor Dynasty
Oct 31, 1517
1517-Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the Church door
Period: Apr 19, 1522 to
1522-Start of Protestant Reformation
Apr 16, 1555
1555-Peace of Augsburg
Apr 16, 1558
1558-Start of Elizabeth Tudor's reign
Apr 16, 1562
1562-Beginning of the French Wars of Religion
not actually month and date -
Apr 16, 1572
1572-St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
St. Batholomew's Day Massacre was the first French War of Religion started by the Duke of Guise, who attacked a huguenot congregation killing many and the Prince of Conde. The Dule of Guise lied to Charles IX, saying the Huguenots were planning on killing Charles IX, so Henry of Naverre would become king since Henry was heir to the throne. Charles IX believed the Guise and influenced by his mother, started the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. -
Period: to
17th Century-Scientific Revolution
1618-Start of the 30 Years War
1628-Petition of Right
1642-Beginning of the English Revolution
1648-Peace of Westphalia
1649-Beginning of the Fronde
1661-Louis XIV becomes his own chief minister
1662-Royal Society established
1688-Glorious Revolution
Period: to
18th Century-Enlightenment
Period: to
18th Century-2nd Agricultural Revolution
1701-Prussia becomes a kingdom
1707-Act of Union brought political unification of England and Scotland
1714-Treaty of Utrecht
1740-War of Austrian Succession
1756-Seven Years War
1756-Maria Theresa xarried out the "Diplomatic Revolution"
Period: to
1760s-Industrial Revolution in GB
1774-First Continental Congress
1775-Fighting starts between the American colonist and British
1776-Declaration of Independence
1778-France enters American Revolution on colonist side
1781-Joseph II issues Edicts of Toleration
1789-Estates-General meets for the first time, Third Estates declares themselves as National Assembly, Tennis Court Oath, the Storming of the Bastille, Declaration of the Rights of Man, and the Women's march on Versailles
1789-Start of French Revolution
Period: to
!9th Century-Industrial Revolution on Continental Europe and United States, except for Spain which was 20th Century
1814-1815-Congress of Vienna
1832-First Reform Act passed in Great Britain
1837-1901-Victorian Age in Great Britain
1838-Chartist Movement in Great Britain
1841-Great Potato Famine in Ireland
1848-Revolutions of 1848
1848-Revolutions in 1848
Big events in Austria, Russia, and France -
1852-Napoleon III of France creates Second French Empire
1854-1856-Crimean War
Worst fought war and very unpopular -
1860-Unification of Italy
1861-1865-American Civil War
1867-Ausgleich in Austria created Dual Monarchy and Dominion of Canada created
Period: to
New Imperialism
1871-Unification of Germany
1878-Congress of Berlin
Before World War I -
1880-Start of New Imperialism
1884-Reform Act of 1884 gave urban workers right to vote
1890-Start of American Progressive Era and Birth of Nuclear Physics
1904-Russo-Japanese War
Japan modernizes and defeats Russia, leading Russia to the Revolution of 1905 -
1914-World War I begins
1917-U.S. enters World War I and the Russian Bolshevik Revolution
1919-Versailles Treaty that ends World War I
1929-U.S. Stock Market Crash
"Roaring Twenties"; leads to Great Depression -
1938-Anschluss, where Germany annexes Austria
1939-World War II begins
begins when Germany invades Poland, making France and Great Britain declare war on Germany -
1945-World War II ends
1948-1949-Berlin Airlift
1948-New State of Israel proclaimed by the Jews
1950-1963-Korean War
War in Korea; resulting in the creation of North Korea (Communist) and South Korea (Democratic) with their border at the 39th Parallel -
1957-European Common Market forms (EEC)
First step before the European Union -
1962-Cuban Missile Crisis
Where the world was 30 seconds to 1 minute away from nuclear war between the United States and Soviet Union near Cuba -
1989-Collapse of Communist begins
Starts in Czechoslovakia -
1990-Reunification of Germany
West and East Germany is reunified -
1994-Creation of European Union
2001-9/11 Attacks on the United States
2003-United States invades Iraq