AP European History 1215-2005

  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

  • Period: Jan 1, 1215 to

    Modern European History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1305 to Jan 1, 1377

    Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church

  • Apr 9, 1305

    Great Schism

  • Jan 1, 1321

    Devine Comedy bigins Vernacular Literature

  • Period: Jan 1, 1338 to Jan 1, 1453

    Hundred Years war between England and France

  • Jan 1, 1348

    Black death enters Europe

  • Jan 1, 1370

    English Parliament begins meeting in its current form

  • Apr 9, 1419

    Prince Henry forms navigators' school

  • Apr 9, 1450

    Renaissance begins

  • Period: Apr 9, 1450 to Apr 9, 1485

    War of Roses in England

  • Period: Apr 9, 1487 to Apr 9, 1488

    Dias' voyage to Cape of Good Hope

  • Apr 9, 1492

    Unification of Spain Completed

  • Apr 9, 1492

    Columbus lands in the Western Hemispere

  • Apr 9, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

  • Apr 9, 1497

    Cabot sails to North America

  • Period: Apr 9, 1497 to Apr 9, 1498

    Da Gama's first voyage to India

  • Apr 9, 1500

    Cabral claims Brazil

  • Apr 9, 1502

    Vespucci produces map of New World

  • Period: Apr 9, 1519 to Apr 9, 1522

    Magellan's expedition; Cortes captures Mexico

  • Apr 9, 1522

    Martin luther Begins Protestant Reformation

  • Apr 9, 1524

    Verrazano sails to North America

  • Apr 9, 1525

    First German religious wars

  • Apr 9, 1529

    Marburg Colloquy

  • Period: Apr 9, 1530 to Apr 9, 1535

    Pizarro captures Peru

  • Period: Apr 11, 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible rules Russia

  • Apr 9, 1534

    Act of Supremacy creates the Anglican Church

  • Apr 11, 1534

    Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River

  • Apr 9, 1536

    Calvin begins Geneva ministry

  • Apr 9, 1540

    Loyola forms the Society of Jesus

  • May 15, 1540

    Scientific Revolution begins

  • May 15, 1543

    Copernicus, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies; Vesalius, On the Fabric of the Human Body

  • Period: Apr 9, 1545 to Apr 9, 1563

    Council of Trent reforms Roman Catholic Church

  • Apr 9, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

  • Apr 9, 1559

    Elizabethan Settlement

  • Period: Apr 9, 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

  • Period: Apr 11, 1581 to

    Golden Age of the Dutch Republic

  • Edict of Nantes

  • James I brings Stuart rule to England

  • Jamestown established

  • Quebec established

  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XIII in France

  • Galileo, The Starry Messenger

  • Michael Romanov re-establishes czarist rule in Russia

  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

  • Bacon develops inductive reasoning

  • Harvey, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood

  • Descartes develops deductive reasoning

  • Hohenzollerns come to power in Prussia

  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Period: to

    Reign of Louis XIV in France

  • Period: to

    Cromwell rules England

  • Restoration

  • Edict of Fontainebleu

  • Newton, Principia

  • Glorious Revolution

  • Period: to

    Peter the Great rules Russia

  • Period: to

    War of Spanish Succession

  • Period: to

    Frederick William I of Prussia

  • Enlightenment begins

  • Period: to

    Frederick the Great of Prussia

  • Period: to

    Maria Theresa of Austria

  • Period: to

    War of Austrian Succession

  • Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws

  • Period: to

    Diderot and Encyclopedia

  • Period: to

    Seven Years War (French and Indian War in America)

  • Flying shuttle

  • Voltaire’s Candide

  • Rousseau’s The Social Contract and Emile

  • Period: to

    Catherine the Great of Russia

  • Treaty of Paris, 1763

  • Water Frame/mule

  • First Partition of Poland begins

  • First Partition of Poland begins

  • Period: to

    First Partition of Poland begins

  • Smith’s The Wealth of Nations

  • Period: to

    Joseph II of Austria

  • James Watt’s perfected steam engine

  • Treaty of Paris, 1783

  • Power loom

  • Period: to

    French revolution

  • Period: to

    Rule of Napoleon

  • First steam powered locomotive

  • Napoleon exiled to Elba

  • Period: to

    Congress of Vienna

  • Napoleon returns/Defeated at Waterloo

  • First of Corn Laws passed in Britain

  • Revolutions in Central and South America

  • Peterloo massacre

  • Period: to

    Greek revolt

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • European continental countries beginIndustrializing; Decembrist Revolt in Russia

  • July Revolution in France

  • Period: to

    Louis Philippe rules France

  • Reform Act passed in Great Britain

  • Grand National Consolidated Trades Union formed

  • Grand National Consolidated Trades Union formed

  • Period: to

    Victorian Age in Great Britain

  • Chartist movement

  • Great potato famine in Ireland

  • Revolutions of 1848 across Europe Louis Napoleon elected president of 2nd French Republic

  • Louis Napoleon elected president of the 2nd French Republic; The Communist Manifesto published

  • Period: to

    Frankfurt Assembly in Germany

  • Great Exhibition in Great Britain

  • Emperor Napoleon III proclaims Second French Empire

  • Period: to

    Crimean War

  • Pateur develops germ theory

  • Period: to

    Unification of Italy

  • Origin of the Species published

  • Emancipation Proclamation in U S; Emancipation of the serfs in Russia

  • Period: to

    Civil War in the United States

  • Napoleon III installs Maximilian as emperor of Mexico

  • Period: to

    Unification of Germany

  • Maximilian removed as ruler of Mexico; Ausgleich in Austria creates Dual Monarchy; Dominion of Canada created

  • Descent of Man published; Napoleon III toppled from power

  • Third Fench Republic proclaimed

  • Congress of Berlin

  • Triple Alliance formed

  • Reform Act of 1884 in Great Britain

  • Wilhelm II becomes kaiser

  • Birth of nuclear physics; Start of American Progressive Era

  • Period: to

    Dreyfus Affair

  • Period: to

    Dreyfus Affair

  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

  • Period: to

    Boer War

  • Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams; Birth of modern volkism

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Russian Revolution of 1905

  • Triple Entente formed

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated; World War I begins

  • Italy enters the war

  • U S enters the war; Russian Bolshevik Revolution

  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; Americans enter the fighting; Armistice declared

  • Versailles Treaty

  • Period: to

    French policy of coersion in the Rhineland

  • France's Cartel of the Left: Lenin dies in Soviet Union

  • Mussolini establishes Fascism in Italy

  • Stock Market crash in US; Stalin becomes dictator of Soviet Union

  • Japan invades Manchuria

  • Japan invades Manchuria

  • New Deal begins in US; Hitler becomes Nazi dictator of Germany

  • Collapse of League of Nations; Germany occupies Rhineland; Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

  • Japan invades China

  • Anschluss; Munich Conference; Germany takes Sudetenland

  • Germany invades Czechoslovakia; Hitler-Stalin Pact; Germany invades Poland starting World War II

  • Western Europe falls to Blitzkrieg; Battle of Britain begins

  • New Order/Final Solution begin in Germany; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

  • Normandy invasion; Battle of the Bulge

  • Germany surrneders; Atomic bombs dropped on Japan; Japan surrenders

  • Gulf of Tonkin Revolution

    increases Ameriv=can involvement in Vietnam. Laws that said the President could do what needs to be done to win Vietnam.
  • 6 day war

    war between Isreal and the Arab legue, and the Arabs were going to surprise attack Israel but they sur;rised atacked the Arabs
  • Progue Spring Crushed

    soviet Union crusehes in (Chek) the revolt
  • Watergate

    Nixon was president and the people he hired to get him elected bugged the democats rooms and Nixon payed them to keep quiet.
  • oil OPEC imbargo

    5% less oil to the west caused gas rationing in the U.S.
  • Iran siezes 52 hostages

    carter; ayatolloh's followers stormed the U.S. in Tyran hold 52 hostoges and give an ultimatum for them to send back the shaw. Cater refuses. U.S. payed iranians 7.9 billion dolars to get back people under the presdency of regan.
  • Soviet Union invade Afganistan

    Russia Vietnam war
  • Solidarity Movement in Poland

    independent labor movement led by Lachwelsa, ended was arrested then outlawed; military rule took over
  • GB invades Faulklins

    Thatcher gets them back from Argentina. most popular thing she does, creates for British people
  • Colapse of Communism in Chek

    splits into the Chek republic and slovakia