Period: 1378 to 1382
The Ciompi Revolt in Florence
Medici rule in Florence by Cosimo de’ Medici
Treaty of Lodi allies Milan, Naples, and Florence
Columbus lands on Hispaniola
Charles VIII of France invades Italy
League of Venice unites Venice, Milan, Papal States, and Spain against France
Savonarola controls Florence
Louis XII invades Milan
The Holy League defeats the French
Machiavelli writes The Prince
Francis I leads the 3rd french invasion of Italy
Luther posts ninety-five theses against indulgences
Charles I of Spain elected Holy Roman Emperor
Papal bull excommunicates Luther for heresy and Diet of Worms condemns Luther
Cortes conquers Aztecs
Peasants' Revolt in Germany
Sack of Rome by imperial soldiers
Reformation Parliament convenes
Marburg Colloquy btwn Luther and Zwingli
Formation of Protestant Schmalkadic League
Parliament passes the submission of the clergy
Henry VIII weds Anne Boleyn; Convocation invalidates marriage of Catherine of Aragon
Period: 1533 to
Reign of Ivan the Terrible
Act of Sucession makes Anne Boleyn’s heirs legitimate, Act of Supremacy “head of church of England”
Calvin arrives in Geneva
Henry VIII imposes the Six Articles
Jesuits recognized by pope
Publication of On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Luther dies
Armies of Charles V Schmaldike League
Edward VI succeeds to throne (Protestant)
First Act of Uniformity- Book of Common Prayer
Period: 1553 to 1558
Mary Tudor restores Catholic Doctrine
Peace of Augsburg recognizes rights of Lutherans
Period: 1558 to
Elizabeth I fashions an Anglican reliigous settlement
Francis II succeeds to throne under Catherine de Medici
Council of Trent and the Counter-Reformation
Saint Bartholemew’s Day Massacre
Period: to
“Time of Troubles”
Assaianation of Henry II brings Hugenot Henry of Navarre to power
Henry IV embraces Catholicism
Edict of Nantes
James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England
Publication of The Advancement of Learning by Francis Bacon
Publication of The New Astronomy by Johannes Kepler
Henry IV assainated
Publication of The Starry Messenger by Galileo
King James Bible
Michael Romanov becomes tsar
Period: to
Thirty Years' War
Publication of Novum Organum by Francis Bacon
Charles I ascends English throne
Petition of Right
Charles I dissolves Parliament and embarks on eleven rules of personal rule
Publication of Dialogue on the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo
Publication of Discourse on Method by Rene Descartes
Short Parliament, Long Parliament
Period: to
Reign of Fredrick William the Great Elector
English Civil War
Louis XVI ascends the French throne regent Cardinal Mazarin
Period: to
Cardinal Mazarin directs French Government
Peace of Westphalia
Charles I of England executed
Fronde Revolt in France
Period: to
Various Attempts at a Puritan Commonwealth in England
Period: to
Fronde revolt
Publication of Leviathan by Hobbes
Charles II restored to English throne
Louis XVI commences personal rule
War of Devolution
Period: to
War of Deevolution
Secret treaty of Dover between France and Great Britain
Parilament passes the Test Act
Period: to
French War against Netherlands
Popish Plot
End of french war against Netherlands
Turkish siege of Vienna
Louis revokes Edict of Nantes
James II becomes king of England
Publication of Principia Mathematica by Newton
“Glorious Revolution”
War of League of Augsburg
Period: to
War of the League of Augsburg
Peter the Great assumes personal rule
William and Mary ascend the English throne
Publication of Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke
Publication of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke
Publication of Treatises of Government by John Locke
Russia captures Azov on the Black Sea
Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious published
European tour of Peter the Great
Peter puts down strelsty revolt
The Great Northern War btwn Russia and Sweden
Outbreak of War of Spanish Sucession
Acts of Settlement for Hanoverian sucession
Period: to
Reign of Queen Anne last of the Stuarts
St. Petersburg founded
End of reign of Leopold I of Austria
Act of Union btwn England + Scotland
Russia defeats Sweden
Period: to
Charles VI rules Austria and secures agreement to Pragmatic Sanction
Treaty of Utrecht ends war of Spanish sucession
Treaty of Utrecht
Period: to
Fredrick William I bulids up miltary power of Prussia
George I becomes King of Britain
Death of Louis XIV
Charles XII of Sweden dies
Aleksei, son of Peter the Great dies suspicously
Wolff's Rational Thoughts published
Regency of Duke of Orleans
Peace of Nystad ends Great Northern War
Peter establishes a synod for Russian church
Robert Walpole dominates British politics
Montesquieu's Persian Letters published
Period: to
Robert Walpole dominates British politics
Peter the Great estabishes table of ranks
Peter the Great dies
Period: to
Reign of Catherine I
George II becomes king of Great Britain
Period: to
Reign of Peter II
Period: to
Reign of Anna of Russia
Voltaire's Letters on the English published
John Kay's flying Shuttle
Voltaire's Elements on the Philosophy of Newton published
War of Jenkins Ear
Maria Theresa succeeds to the Hapsburg throne
Frederick II violates the Pragmatic Sanction by invading Silesia
Outbreak of War of the Austrian Succession
Period: to
Reign of Elizabeth of Russia
Cardinal Fleury serves as Louis Xv’s chief minister
Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws published
Hume's Inquiry into Human Nature published
Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle ends War of the Austrian Succession
Rousseau's Discourse on the Moral Effects of the Arts and Sciences Voltaire's Letters on the English published
First volume Encyclopedia published, edited by Diderot
Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality published
Convention of Westminster
Outbreak of Seven Years' War
Voltaire's Candide published
George III become King of GB
Rousseau's Social Contract and Emilie published
Legislative Commission summoned in Russia
Period: to
Reign of Catherine the Great
Voltaire's Treatise on Tolerance published
Treaty of Paris concludes Seven Years War
Treaty of Hubertsburg
Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years' War
Voltaire's Philosphcial Dictionary published
Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishment published
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Spining Jenny
Stamp Act repealed, Declaratory Act
Townshend Acts
War with Turkey and Russia begins
Watts' Steam Engine
Water Frame
Lord North becomes George III's chief minister
Boston Massacre
First Partition of Poland
Boston Tea Party
Period: to
Pugachev's Rebellion
Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardji ends war with Turkey
Intolerable Acts
First Continental Congress
Reorganization of local government in Russia
Second Continental Congress
Gibbon's Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire published
Smith's Wealth of Nations published
Declaration of Independence
France enters war on side of U.S
Yorkshire Association Movement
Lessing's Nathan the Wise published
British forces surrender at Yorktown
Mendelssohn's On Ecclesiastical Power and Judaism published
Russia annexes Crimea
Treaty of Paris concludes American Revolution
Kant's "What is Enlightenment?" published
Catherine the Great issues the Charter of the Nobility
Power Loom
Period: to
Unsuccessful Negotiations with Assembly of Notables in France
Louis XVI summons the Estates General
Great Fear in french Countryside
The Estates General opens at Versailles
The Third Estate calls itself National Constituent Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
Fall of the Bastille
Nobles in France surrender feudal rights at National Assembly
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Parisian Women's March on Versailles
Civil Consitution of the Clergy
Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Woman published
Kant's Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone published
Second Partition of Poland
Third Partition of Poland
Napoleon concludes the Treaty of Campo Formio