AP Euro History Unit 2

  • Period: 1485 to

    Tudor Dynasty

    From Henry VII to Elizabeth I
  • Period: 1500 to

    Age of Absolutism

  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    Henry VIII Reign

    In England; Protestant who opened the Church of England (Anglicans)
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther- 95 Theses

    Wittenburg, Germany
  • 1519

    Ulrich Zwingli

    Reform leader in Switzerland
  • 1521

    Diet of Worms

    Charles V sets up a diet and invites Luther
  • Period: 1524 to 1526

    German Peasants' War

    Sparked by discontent towards landlord in the name of the Reformation; Luther condemns
  • 1533

    Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn

    Henry divorces Catherine
  • Period: 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible Reign

    Russia; traditionalist, built the St.Basil's Cathedral, ruthless leader, created the Oprichniks (secret police), found arctic port of Archangel, suppressed the boyars (Russian nobility)
  • 1534

    Act of Succession

    Legislation passed by parliament which grants the children of Anne legitimate and not Mary
  • 1536

    John Calvin

    In Geneva, begins Calvinism
    - belief in predestination and a hard work ethic
  • 1536

    Pilgrimage of Grace

    In England, sparked because of the closure of monasteries, abolition of papal supremacy, and issuing of enclosures (led by Robert Aske in the north)
  • 1542

    Beginning of the Roman Inquisition

    Similar to Spanish Inquisition which killed any non-catholics
  • Period: 1543 to 1548

    Council of Trent

    Part of the Counter Reformation
    - affirmed 7 sacraments, veneration of saints, ultramontanism, church hierarchy, better training for priests
  • Period: 1546 to 1547

    Schmalkaldic War

    Fought between Charles V and the League of Protestant princes/states
  • Period: 1547 to 1553

    Reign of Edward VI

    In England, Protestant
  • Period: 1553 to 1558

    Mary I Reign

    In England, Catholic, very brutal against non-Catholic, daughter of Catherine and Henry
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Treaty between Charles V and Schmalkadic League which granted princes the ability to dictate the religion in their state
  • Period: 1558 to

    Elizabeth 1 Reign

    In England, Protestant
  • 1560

    John Knox

    Opens the Presbyterian Church in Scotland
  • Period: 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

    8 wars
  • Aug 24, 1572

    Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre

    Catholic attack on Huguenots in France; mainly set up by Catherine de Medici (Valois regent at the time)
  • Spanish Armanda

    Attempt by the Spanish to invade England but was shut down by Elizabeth
  • Edict of Nantes

    Established by Henry IV (Navarre/ originally a Huguenot) which granted lords the right to hold Protestant services and gave the civil rights to both groups
  • Period: to

    Stuart Dynasty

  • Period: to

    James I Reign

  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    Austria, Holy Roman Emperor, France, Spain vs. Bohemia, Sweden
    Catholics vs. Protestants
  • Period: to

    Charles I Reign

    Dissolves the Parliament in 1629
  • Period: to

    English Civil War

    Royalists (Caveliers) vs. Parliamentarians (Roundheads; Puritans)
    Sparked by tensions between the King and Parliament
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV Reign

    France; built Versailles, weakened nobility's power, advisor: Cardinal Mazarin
  • Treaty of Westphalia

    Same principle of princes controlling the religion in their land (non-intervention in the internal affairs of another state)
  • Period: to

    The Fronde

    French civil wars between nobles and the monarchy (Louis' reign)
  • Period: to

    English Commonwealth

    No monarch, controlled by Thomas Cromwell
  • Period: to

    Charles II Reign

    Re-establishment of the Monarch after Cromwell's rule
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great Reign

    Russia; modernized/westernized Russia, expanded trade routes to Baltic and Black Sea, built new capital of St.Petersburg, closed the Streltsy (Moscow guards)
  • Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

    Louis XIV revokes Edict to maintain control but thousands of successful Huguenots leave which weakens the economy
  • Period: to

    James II Reign

  • Glorious Revolution

    England; limited monarchy and parliamentary supremacy established
  • Period: to

    Frederick William I Reign

    Prussia (German microstate); created an effective army (first standing army, marched in step, lots of training) and created the Potsdam Giants (tall soldiers), Junkers ( Prussian nobles)