
AP Euro 1st Timeline by Kevin Rivera

By KevenxD
  • Sep 19, 1414

    City of Costance

    Because of the pressure of the German emperor Sigismund, a great council met at the imperial city of Constance. This was to: reform the church, end schism and to wipe heresy.
  • Period: Sep 19, 1414 to Sep 19, 1418

    City of Constance

    Because of the pressure of the German emperor Sigismund, a great council met at the imperial city of Constance. This was to: reform the church, end schism and to wipe heresy.
  • Sep 19, 1415

    Jan Hus

    The Czech Replubic.s parliaent declared June 6th in the day of Jan Hus execution (1415)
  • Period: Sep 19, 1422 to Sep 19, 1461

    Charles VIII provides life to France

    Charles VIII revives France and monarchy in these years
  • Sep 19, 1430

    The Penetration of Laymen

    Penetration of high laymen led the growing frquency of high classes' daughetrs to go to school to learn singing, needlework, dportment, religion and household management.
  • Period: Sep 19, 1434 to Sep 19, 1494


    Medici family in power in Florence
  • Sep 19, 1435

    Papal States

    South of Papal States was the kingdom of Naples and it had been disputed by the Aragonese and by the french. IN 1435, it passed to Argon.
  • Sep 19, 1450


    In 1450. the papacy held a jubilee, celebrating over its triumpg over the conciliar movement,
  • Sep 19, 1453


    By 1453, French armies had expelled the English from the French Soil
  • Sep 19, 1454

    Lodi Treaty

    Peace treaty signed at Lodi, Venice received territories in return.
  • Sep 19, 1456


    Gutenberg's Bible
  • Sep 19, 1477

    147 7Burgundy

    Union of Burgundy and Hansburg Dynasties
  • Sep 19, 1494

    Invasion of Italy

    Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII of France in 1494
  • Period: Sep 19, 1500 to Sep 19, 1527

    High Renaissance

    Leonardo, Raphael, Michaelangelo
  • Sep 19, 1513

    The Short Political Treatise

    No Renaissance book has been more widely read and studied "The Prince".
  • Period: Sep 19, 1513 to Sep 19, 1521

    Pope Leo X V.S France

    Pope Leo X found France as dangerous and called on the Spanish and Germans to expel French from Italy.
  • Sep 19, 1516

    Treaty in 1516

    Pope Leo X reached a treaty agreement.
  • Sep 19, 1517

    1517 Martin Luther

    95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences
  • Period: Sep 19, 1517 to Sep 19, 1547

    Christian Reformation

    The reff\ormed versions of Christianity known as Preotestantism made remarkable advances.
  • Sep 19, 1521

    Habsburg War

    Start of Habsburg Valois Wars in 1521
  • Sep 19, 1521

    Charles V's War

    Charles V' War against Valois kings
  • Sep 19, 1521

    1521 Worms

    Decision reached at Worms in 1521 to condemn Luther and his teaching was not enforced because the German princes did not want to enforce it.
  • Sep 19, 1525

    German Revolt

    Peasants' revolt in Germany in 1525
  • Sep 19, 1527

    Italian Warfare

    Italian cities suffered severely from continual warfare, especially in the fightful sack of Rome in 1527 by forces under Charles V.
  • Sep 19, 1528

    The Courtier

    The Courtier, Castiglione
  • Period: Sep 19, 1535 to Sep 19, 1539

    Henry's Wealth

    Henry to disolve the English monasteries because he wanted their wealth.
  • Sep 19, 1536

    Religion Opposition

    In the North, religion changes due to the Pilgrimage of Grace, multiclass rebellion.
  • Period: Sep 19, 1545 to Sep 19, 1563


    Council of Trent in these years
  • Period: Sep 19, 1553 to Sep 19, 1558

    Mary Tudor

    Reign of Mary Tudor and restoration of Roman Catholicism in England
  • Sep 19, 1555

    Lutheranism peace

    Peace of Augusburg officially recognizes Lutheranism
  • Sep 19, 1555

    1555 northern Europe

    By this time, much of northern Europe had broken with the Roman Catholic church.
  • Sep 19, 1559

    Treaty OF Cateau

    Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
  • Period: Sep 19, 1568 to Sep 19, 1578

    Civil War

    Civil war in the Netherlands
  • Spanish Armada

    A defeat for the Spanish Armada
  • KJ Bible

    Publication of King James Bible
  • Period: to

    30 Years

    Thirty Years of War!