• Jamestown founded

    first English colony in america.colonized to sell tabacco
  • Period: to

    southern colonies formed

  • magna carta

    LIMITED DE power of the king gave rich more rihts
  • virginia house of burgess

  • Period: to

    new england colonies formed

  • fundamental orders of connecticut

    one of the first Representative government in america creates an idea for the founders of the revolution
  • mayflower compact

  • Period: to

    middel colonies formed

  • mercantilism

    1 it was a economic system
    2 they felt it violated their freedom
  • Period: to

    french and indian war

    1. french and Indian.
      2 increment in dept of great Britain 3 in crest taxes on the american colonists
  • proclamation line

    1 it moved the french east and Indians west .it enger colonists because they have to move
  • stamp act

    1 first tax placed on the american colonies to pay back the dept
    2 to pay the dept
  • stamp act congress

    first meting between multiple colonies
  • boston massacre

    the first death of revolution caused by taxes
  • boston tea party

    1 it put taxes on tea. sons of liberty.
    2 it was a group led by Samuel Adams
  • coercive act

    1 to punish the colonies
    2 band town meetings
    3 allowed soldier in their houses
  • first continental congress

    1 discuss their problems
    2 they did not want independens
  • battel of lexington and concord

    first battle of the recolution
  • commonsense

    1 spreding the word about the colonies independent
  • winter of valley forge

    1 Washington
    2 freezing conditions and lack of supplies
  • federailst papers

  • anti-federalist papers

  • battle of yorktown

    1 Frenchman helped.french
    2 they surrender
  • treaty of paris

    1 ended the revolutionary war and american colonies got independence
  • the great compromise

  • 3/5 comoprimise

  • constitutional convention

  • Period: to

    George washingion s presidency

    he set up a cabinet of adavaseres
  • whiskey rebellion

    a protest to the first tax that was placedon whiskey
  • washingtons ferewell

    stay neutral in foreign contris
    politacles party
  • Period: to

    jhon adams preseidency

    first president to have a strong federalist party
    imprison people from a def rent country
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    lieder of democratic party
    barbary pirates first war
  • Louisianan purchest

  • marbury v madison

    judicial review