
  • 1 CE

    Definition of Antisemitism

    A belief or ideology that hates and is hostile to the Jews.
  • 438

    Roman Empire and Antisemitism

    The Romans persecuted the Jews only because of the Jewish history. The Jews were persecuted by the Romans all the way up to 40.
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    Europe and Antisemitism

    The Jews escaped the Roman rule by going further into Europe, only to be persecuted more by the Christians especially the churches.
  • Aryans

    The Aryans were people who believed that they were the master race and no one could tell them that they weren't or that a master race isn't real because they wouldn't listen.
  • Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust

    Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust
    Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the infamous Nazi Party. He hated the Jews for no reason and believe that Aryans were the master race and their job was to erase the Jews. Adolf Hitler and his followers (Nazis) killed 1/3 of the Jewish population in the world along with other people. The event name of the killing of these Jews during WWII was called the Holocaust (destruction of masses by fire).