
Anti war movment timeline

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    Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs was a big role player he made speeches that helped the people see the wrongs of war but were arrested and sentenced to ten years then the president commuted his sentence
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    The anti war movement behain to gain traction

    During the Vietnam war, as the war dragged on and on more people began joining the Peace Movement, this movement was for America to pull out of the war from a moral and economical standpoint. This was because: Innocent Vietnamese people were being killed, young American troops were being forced to fight, Americans were killing the forests, and military spending was hurting the economic growth.
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    Ernst Friedrich

    Ernst Friedrich published war against wars an album of german military and medicine that was photography as shock therapy that was designed to be horrifying and demoralizing
  • Cost began to rise

    Cost began to rise
    As the war continued on and tensions became higher the U.S government started spending up to $25 million dollars on the war. The U.S people didn't agree with the spreading and led many to be against the war.
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    Anti war movement

    Was a social movement that lasted from the late 19602-1972. The movement was against the Vietnam war were tons of people rally to change how America handled the conflict. It is to oppose all use of military and be pressure the government to pull out of the war.
  • Gathering at Lincoln memorial

    Gathering at Lincoln memorial
    A group of near 100,000 protesters gathered at the Lincoln memorial and about 30,000 of them began a march to the pentagon and after a brutal confrontation with soldiers and U.S marshals, hundreds of people were arrested.
  • U.S population unhappy

    U.S population unhappy
    By early February of 1968, 50% of the U.S population disagreed with how the president was handling the war, this is when even the Vietnam veterans (many of them in wheelchairs or crushed) joined the anti-war campaign
  • Nixon was elected into white house

    Nixon was elected into white house
    The anti-war movement was on the rise and made a lot of pressure to end the war being America was already struggling. By this point, most of the America population had been against the war and wanted Nixon to change
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    This was a shooting that happened when the national guard fired on a crowd of anti-war protesters. This lead to an immediate reaction by students of Kent State to do a strike force and colleges were shutdown
  • The war ends

    The war ends
    After years of hard-fought battle the U.S singed a peace treaty from pressure from the protesters and the war came to an official end latter on. This was a long road for the protesters and allowed them to change the way the war was playing out.