
By HDee
  • 732 BCE

    the Jewish Diaspora

    the Jewish Diaspora
    the Jewish people have been persecuted so they leave to try to find a new home. this cycle continues for many years Intil they have spread across Europe, and they still are not safe from the discrimination of the church. this forced spread of Jews has been know as the Jewish Diaspora.
  • Feb 15, 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The crusades led by pope Leo X was a mission to take the christian holy land back from the Jews and the Muslims. This led to a 3 way war for control over control of Jerusalem due to its deep tie to each religion. The view led to many deaths of Jews because there religious believes made them worth less than there christian counter part. this was not the first time Jews were killed because of there difference in believes and culture.
  • Period: Feb 16, 1095 to Feb 16, 1291

    The Crusades

    During this 300 years, the Catholics lead by the catholic church lead army to Jerusalem to take back there holy land from there enemy. There enemy's being the original peoples of the region know as Jews.
  • Feb 16, 1300

    Homosexuals in Medieval Times

    Homosexuals in Medieval Times
    Homosexuality was bad according to the catholic church. During this time period all people followed the bible and the church as law. This led to the persecution of many homosexuals. The punishment set by the church for the crime of homosexuality was death. the knights Templar punished homo's throughout the century's.
  • Period: Feb 17, 1346 to Feb 17, 1353

    The Black Death

    The Black Death was a deadly event that killed 1/3 of Europe's population. It was a deadly disease called the bubonic plague that was very contagious. Many poeple blamed the disease on the Jews. they said that they were killing Christians which lead to a lot of hate for Jewish people. The Jews where the escape goat of the church, because it would have been bad for them if people lost their faith. this even wasn't the first or the last time Jews where blamed for disasters.
  • Roma people

    Roma people
    The Roma are another group that has been widely persecuted for the fact that they are Roma. they have been the escape goat for many things throughout the years because of the difference in culture and the fact that they are nomadic peoples. They have been banned from different country through the 2nd millennia. these places include England and France.