Enabling Act
The Government thought that the Nazi's would be able to be controled like most other partys but they were wrong, Soon after the Nazi's came to power they changed the Law so that everything they did was legal. -
Jewish Boycott
A boycott was put in place of all jewish goods. The Nazi's said to not buy any goods from the Jews or you would be considered a traiter. It lasted all but one day. -
Aryan Law
The Nazi's passed Anti-Jewish Laws. With these Laws most Jews lost their jobs no matter what they did or where they worked in Germany. -
Berlin Book Burning
Student who attended Berlin university desided to act against the un-German spirit by burning all the books in a huge bon fire. They burned 70,000 tuns of books before they were done. -
Nuremberg Laws
"The law for protection of German blood and German honor" was that Jews and Germans were not allowed to have sexual relatoinships with eachother. Next was the Citizenship law, stated that jews could not be part of the Reicht. Since they were not part of that group they were not allowed to have the full political rights. They Jews were very unprotected with these laws so it was legal to do the stuff that they did to the Jews. -
Law #174
If you were Jewish you had to have a reconizeable jewish name which the government supplied. Or you could add "sarah" to your middle name if you were a girl and "Isreal" if you were a guy. -
Jewish Persecution
A taylor shop in the Jewish section was defaced with Grafitti all over the store front -
Jews Expelled
A group of 7,000 Jews were expelled from Germany from the Nazi's. They were forced to stay in stables or huts provided by aouthority. -
Njght of Broken Glass
It is called the Night of Broken Glass because of all the broken glass that litered the streets from the Jewish peoples homes and store fronts, Orders went out to all police of what to do and to not destroy or endanger any German life or property. -
Children forced to Clean Streets
Children in Nazi run poland were forced to clean the streets -
Warsaw Ghetto wall
A wall was put into place to separate about 400,000 Jews into a ghetto -
Jewish Star Requirment
All Jews from the age of six were forrbidden to be out in public without desplaying the Jewish Star. Also a month after that Jews were not allowed ot leave their home without permission they were trapped in the country