Enabling act
The enabling act gave Hitler complete control of the country. He had the power of a dictator and he could go against the constitution. The Nazi party could eliminate any Opponent it wanted. -
Jewish boycott
This was the first planned nation-wide attack against the Jews. Nazi storm troopers stood outside German businesses. Many countries also boycotted German buinesses in retaliation. Some Jews were forced to marched throught the streets with signs saying not to buy at Jewish stores. Signs were posted on Jewish stores marking them as Jewish and saying not to buy from them. -
Aryan Laws (civil service= government jobs)
This law took any Jewish people out of government office. They also lost any jobs they held from judges to dentists. This is when extreme Nazism spread and huge book burning ceremonies began. -
Berlin Book burning
The students of Berlin University organized a mass book burning off Jewish and anti-Nazi books. In the end germans had burned 1/3 of the Countries books in favor of "German Spirit" -
Nuremberg Laws
Anyone who was a Jew lost German citizenship. Also Jews were no longer allowed to marry a Germans. This included any sexual relationships. This was to keep German blood pure. No Jews could employ in a German woman under 45 years old. Jews could no longer vote because they were not citizens. -
Law #174 Jewish name change
Jewish men had to add Isreal to their middle name and women had to add Sarah. A list was published by the German government that contained Jewish names. -
Night of Broken Glass
In retaliation of the death of a German official, the Germans launched a huge anti-Jewish attack. They burned thousands of synagogues and destroyed Jewish stores. Many Jewish were beaten and even killed. The Gestapo did not do anything to stop this, their only job was to keep German citizens safe. -
Jewish Star Requirement
All people who were Jewish were required to identify themselves by wearing a Jewish star wherever they went. They also needed permission to leave their homes.