Enabling act
the enabling act let the Nazi's arrest and add new laws to arrest the Jews and people that opposed HItler. After HItler became the chancellor and he wanted to exterminate the Jews. So after he beacome the chancellor the Nazi's changed the law. -
Jewish boycott
when HItler believed that the jews are the reason for their downfalls and the propaganda about the jews in Germany. Hitler got the Germans to hold up posters and protested against the Jews -
Aryan law
This law stated that all non-aryans meaning jew werent allowed in civil services like jews arent allowed to work in German hospitals and institutions or theaters. The law also states that a Jew is difined in this law saying that a Jew has to have jewish parents or two or more Jewish grandparents. -
Berlin Book Burning
The students at Berlin universtity decided to burn books that were un-german spirt and anything that didnt teach the Germans about their culture and religion were burned. 1/3 of the books in Germany were destroyed. They removed all these book from the libaries and burned them in a bonfirie. -
Nuremberg Laws
the Nuremberg law states that the Germans cant have any relationship with the Jews like they cant mary them they cant have any sexsual relationship with them, only Germans have political rights. Basically its stating that a Jew couldnt be a citizen of the reich so no political affair. -
Law #174
the Jews were forced out of the towns and the villages where them and their ancestors had lived for centuries. They had signs saying "Jews not wanted here." -
Jewish Persection
the Jewish persecution was when the tailors show were covered with anti- jewish slogans by the Nazi's and warnings written in graffiti. -
Jews expelled
About 17,000 Jewish were expelled from Germany and Polish governments and their authorities. They lived in huts and stables provided by the Authorities, -
Night of Broken Glass
the Nazi's decided to burn down their synagogues, and any Germans and their properties shouldnt be damaged. they killed about 1000 Jews and about 30,000 men went to concentration camps. -
Jewish star requirement
Jews starting at the age of 6 were forbidden to appear in public without the jewish star displaying on them.