Berlin Book Burning
One third of the books were burned. "Sexual relations between jews and citizens of German or related blood is forbidden." -
Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were passed. They were in two parts. -
Law #174
All jews have the middle name Isreal. All jewish women were assigned the middle name Sara. The men were also assigned the name Israel. -
Night of Broken glass
They called it "the Night of Broken Glass" because they broke a ton of a lot of glass. All over Germany houses were littered. -
Jewish Star Requirement
they cant wear the star of David. -
Jewish Boycott
It only lasted one day. But the violence against jews increased. -
Aryan Law
The Ayran Law used to be known as "Law for the Restoriantion of the Civil Service." -
Enabling Acts
It used to be called "The Law for Terminating the Suffering of people and Nation."