Anti-Apatheid Struggle

  • Period: to

    Time Span

  • Adoption of Freedom Charter by The Congress of the People

    Adoption of Freedom Charter by The Congress of the People
    People Shall Govern!
  • Women's March against the Pass Law August

    Women's March against the Pass Law August
    The protest contributed to women playing bigger role in the struggle for freedom.
  • The Treason Trial

    144 people were arrested in raid in South Africa on suspected Treason charges.
  • The Treason Trial

    144 people were arrested in raid in South Africa on suspected Treason charges.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Sharpeville Massacre
    Crowds outnumbered police, and police fired and killed 69 people.
  • The Durban Strike

    The Durban Strike
    Strike for wage increase, and better working conditions.
  • Student Uprising in Soweto

    Student Uprising in Soweto
    SSoweto highschool students started protesting for better educatiojn.
  • Killing Of Steven Biko

    Killing Of Steven Biko
    Steven Biko was in SASO, and died in Pteroria Detetion Camp. His death sparked protests.
  • Release of Nelson Mandela

    Release of Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was released froom prison and the country rejoiced.
  • First Democractic Election

    First Democractic Election
    Nelson Mandela was elected president in South Africa
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commision to President Mandela

    Truth and Reconciliation Commision to President Mandela
    Tasked with finding the wrong doings of the government.