Antarctica Timeline

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    Captain James Cook crosses the Antarctic circle.
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    Brittish Whaler James Weddell discovers the sea named after him and reaches the most southerly point of that time.
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    Sir James Clark Ross discovers the Ross sea,Ross Isalnd,Mt Erebus and the Ross Ice Shelf.
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    Carstno Borchgrevink leads British expidition that landed men at at cape adare and built huts.This was the first time that anyone has winterd on the Atarctica landmass
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    Captain Scott leads his first expedition to the South Pole with Ernest Shackleton and Edward Wilson. They were forced to turn back two months later having reached 82 Degrees south, suffering from snow blindness and scurvy.
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    Ernest Shackelton leads an expedition to within 156 km of the south pole but turns back after his supplies are exausted.
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    Roald Admudson leads an expitdition to the South Pole for the first time.
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    Captain Robert Falcon Scott reaches the South Pole to discover he was beaten and dies on the way back.