annotated bibliogrophy

By l4nce54
  • maelyn Gould

    maelyn Gould
    Gould, madelyn. “Youth Suicide Risk and Preventative Interventions: a review of the past ten years.”
    American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry. April 2003.
    Madelyn Gould covers the past decade’s surge in research on youth suicide risks in her article Youth Suicide Risk and Prevention Interventions. she found dissorders can be linked to suicide.
  • john kakfat

    john kakfat
    Kalafat, john. “School Approach to Youth Suicide Prevention.” Thousand island, California.
    SAGE. May 2003.
    John Kalafat’s article, School Approach to Youth Suicide Prevention, states suicide ranks second or third leading cause of death for adolescents. His article shows the stats of his research and explains how it caused a national awareness. this article links to the last because they are relating information to suicide.
  • Sara Bennett

    Sara Bennett
    Bennett, Sara. “Yellow Ribbon Ambassadors Survey.” Pg.25-29. New Zealand. Injury Prevention
    Research centre. July 2003.
    In Sara Bennett’s article Yellow Ribbon Ambassadors Survey, it argues the trust of the help people seek and the type of people that seek help. She links the people that seek help with the amount of suicide attempts in her research. The research showed that the people that sought out help were less likely to committee suicide. switches from related information to finding help.
  • Emalee Flaherty

    Emalee Flaherty
    Flaherty, Emalee. “Psychology of Violence.” Vol. 2 No. 2, pg.211-214. Adverse Experiences and
    Suicidal Ideation in Adolescence: Exploring the link using the LONGSCAN sample.
    Washington. American Psychological Association. Web. Feb. 6, 2012.
    Emalee Flaherty explains that youth suicide is a significant public health problem in her article Psychology of Violence. She explains suicidal ideation, a potent early indicator of attempted or completed suicide, along with many other negative outcomes.
  • jack Vallejo

    jack Vallejo
    Vallejo, Jack. “Magellan clinic Practice Guideline for Assessing and Managing the Suicidal
    Patient.” Pg.2-7. Web. Magellan Health Services. March 2012.
    Jack Vallejo States in his article Magellan Clinic Practice Guideline for Assessing and Managing the Suicidal Patient that suicide rates are the same for both sex’s until mid-adolescence. He found that 90% of suicides are associated with mental disorders. Violence in the past years, or an adverse experience, indicates an increased risk of suic
  • Robin Skinner

    Robin Skinner
    Skinner, Robin. “Suicide Among Children and Adolescents in Canada: trends and sex
    differences.” 1990-2008. Web. CMAJ. June 12, 2012.
    Robin Skinner wrote about the patterns of suicide among children and adolescents in her article Suicide Among Children and Adolescence in Canada. In the article it shows a suicide rates of female children is increasing while male children are decreasing. Skinner writes that limiting access to firearms, poisons, and elevated structures has potential to mitigate t